Banned Library Cat Has New Gig as Part Of Literacy Movement

Lori Ennis
by Lori Ennis
Remember Max the Library Cat, who wasn’t welcomed at the Macalester College Library? Those days are gone, as he’s now become a campus celebrity welcomed with open arms!

Remember we told you about the sweet tabby cat who just had a thing for books but couldn’t get any love from the Macalester College Library? Signs on the door warned patrons to not let him in, and the interwebs went crazy with support for poor old Max and his evident love affair for knowledge.

Related: Max the Cat Does What He Wants and Keeps Sneaking Into Library

But now, he longs for the love no more, as his mama has made sure he no longer gets to try to sneak in the library and has created a life of indoor-hood for the feline. He’s not too happy about it, howling at night to get out and enjoy his freedom again.

So his mama, Connie Lipton, decided to take him on a stroll down memory lane, leashed in a snappy harness, headed for a bookstore to give him somewhat a sense of deja vu.

Not just any bookstore, though…a local used-bookstore that had written “Welcome Max,” on the chalkboard outside of his store on Grand Avenue. Even though Max gained notoriety for sneaking in the library, an allergic library worker simply couldn’t handle his presence. But Hal Johnson, owner of Against the Current, welcomed him with arms wide open.

When Max got to the store, he was greeted by a fan group who had been enamored with him as he took outings around Macalester campus buildings and dorms. He immediately found himself a book, sniffed for distinction and took a teeny, tiny little taste of a lantern.

Max’s grand entrance was filmed by Ming Lian, a Macalester student, and it will be shown on his YouTube series where he visits bookstores and libraries in the Twin Cities. Lian says that Max is well known in the French house where she lives, and has probably slept in all the residents’ beds!

Related: CatCon Celebrates National Cat Lady Day

Max’s mama says that she has high hopes Max can be trained to be a therapy cat for the college students, and maybe even be the beginning of a foundation for literacy. Lipton has consulted a psychic as well, to help Max deal with becoming an indoor cat and his part in the movement she’d like to start.

As for the librarian who wrote the infamous sign banning Max? Chris Schommer has signed with an agent and is writing a children’s book about Max and his story. Schommer says that max is a people cat, and he liked to be at the library because it was the center of the campus and he liked all the activity that happened there.

It’s still unknown why Max is such a book aficionado, but it doesn’t really matter–looks like he has his pick of authors these days!

Lori Ennis
Lori Ennis

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