Crazy Cat Maze Proves Cats Can Make Humans Do ANYthing [Video]

Lori Ennis
by Lori Ennis
When you want to celebrate International Cat Day in the most hella way possible, whaddya do? Well, build a crazy cardboard cat maze, of course!

Self-professed ‘Crazy Cat’ Dad Chris Poole wanted to celebrate International Cat Day (August 8) with his interwebs famous cats Cole and Marmalade and he wanted to do it in an epic way.

Related: Why Do Cats Go Crazy at Night?

But what do you do for cats? They’re so…finicky. Chris knew how much his furry felines love boxes, and much like human kids, prefer them over the toys that come with them when it comes to playtime.

So, he took 50 boxes, painstakingly folded them in and cut walkthroughs out, and made a kitty maze that went on for days. He hid treats inside various spots on the trail, and recorded it so the rest of us could giggle as they jumped to and fro through the tunnels and over the tops.

Related: 4 Ways You’re Annoying Your Cat

Cole and Marmalade are often featured on their Youtube channel, as they are always up to something, and I have to admit: I may or may not have just spent an hour-and-a-half with my son giggling at their other videos.

Okay. I did. And I don’t regret it!

Lori Ennis
Lori Ennis

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