Little Dog Make Big Impact After Hurricane Maria by Saving Her Humanâ€

Lori Ennis
by Lori Ennis
We love happy-ending stories that come out of devastation. One little puppy in Puerto Rico has become a hero, helping her human get the help she needed after Hurricane Maria.

Hurricane Maria brought utter devastation to the U.S. territory island of Puerto Rico. As the island has been in recovery, people are still, thankfully, being found alive.

Related: Virginia-Based Rescue Saves Over 300 Virgin Island Pets Affected by Hurricanes

One such story involves a little dog who led rescuers from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to her human. James Casey is with the USFWS and said they came along a little dog wearing a sweater when assessing a closed hospital in Humaco.

Finding it curious that a dog would be alone and yet wearing a sweater in that abandoned area, he and 30 Interior Department responders followed little ‘Agua,’ the pup. Agua kept going up and down the hillside, Casey says, but definitely seemed on a mission.

When the team got to the bottom of the hill, they found Agua’s human, who had been trapped under her scooter for over an hour. She’d been trying desperately to get to the hospital, but lost control of the scooter and she was pinned under.

Casey says the area was essentially an abandoned trash area, and no one would have likely looked for or known to look for Agua’s mama were it not for her dedication and commitment to getting them to follow her. Casey said that the entire team voted Agua the hero of their mission because she truly did save her owner’s life.

Related: Woman Rescues Hurricane Irma Dog and Restores Faith in Humanity

Agua’s mama did get the medical treatment she needed, and the duo has been reunited, all thanks to the brave effort of a little hero who wouldn’t let go.

Lori Ennis
Lori Ennis

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