Meals On Wheels Offers “AniMeals” Service For Seniors And Disabled

Mary Simpson
by Mary Simpson
Thanks to AniMeals, those most in need won’t have to make the heart-breaking decision of giving up their beloved pet because of cost. Now Meals on Wheels delivers pet food and supplies!

We’ve all heard the expression “Love me, Love My Dog.” Thanks to some intuitive, out-of-the-box thinkers at respected service provider Meals on Wheels, canine companions to seniors throughout North America are feelin’ that love!

Related: Daffy’s Pet Soup Kitchen Helps Pets In Need

While Meals on Wheels has been delivering prepared meals to home-bound seniors for more than 60 years, their AniMeals program was a more recent addition, established in 2006 to help clients ensure their best friends are also receiving proper sustenance. But it’s still not that well-known of a program, and we’re happy to help get the word out!

For many seniors their pets represent not only comfort and companionship but the only family they have. And if you’re like me, my pet eats before I do. This was the same sentiment volunteers were noticing on their home deliveries. Seniors were sacrificing portions of their own meal to ensure their pet was fed.

Related: File This Under Ideas We Love: Pet Food Bank Opens In Toronto

I say kudos to any organization that recognizes a need and actually acts on it! Meals on Wheels took on the challenge of how to ensure both two-legged and four-legged residents were fed and now delivers a healthy meal for the senior and a zip-lock bag of dog kibble for Rover. This simple, random act of kindness can spell the difference between a senior being able to keep and care for their pet or them being forced to relinquish him due to mobility issues. It’s a win-win situation: seniors and the disabled are able to keep their best friend, and pets stay out of over-crowded shelters.

The service is free for current home delivery clients and includes foods for dogs, cats, birds and fish. Pet food is packaged into zip lock bags then delivered by volunteers at the same time as the regularly scheduled meal delivery.

Thanks to donations, care items such as flea collars, grooming supplies, dog licenses and food bowls can also be delivered when available. To learn more about how you can donate, participate or volunteer, visit the Meals on Wheels website for a program near you.

Mary Simpson
Mary Simpson

Sharing space with three seriously judgy Schnoodles and a feline who prefers to be left alone. #LivingMyBestLife

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