Caspian Pond Turtle

Lisa Selvaggio
by Lisa Selvaggio
fast facts

About Caspian Pond Turtle

40+ years
Difficulty Of Care
Comparable Breeds
European Pond Turtle
Pelleted commercial diet, greens, insects, fish, worms
Semi-aquatic turtles
Caspian Pond Turtle General Info

Also known as the Caspian Turtle, the wild population of Caspian Pond Turtle has, unfortunately, been declining as a result of interactions with humans, storks, and vultures.

These active and versatile turtles are available in limited numbers, thanks to a few breeders in the United States. These pets are also fast-growing, and they do need a lot of space, so if you do not have a lot of room to give them or you are too busy, they are not the right breed for you.

The Caspian Pond Turtle is active and versatile, and is available in limited numbers.

Native Habitat
The Caspian Pond Turtle is found in many different countries. For example, these animals have habitat throughout Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iran, Eastern Europe, Turkey, Crete, Cypress, Yugoslavia, and Bulgaria, as a few examples.

These turtles are highly adaptable and make their home in the many brackish and freshwater bodies of water throughout their wild range. There can be many of them living in permanent bodies of water, but in areas where the water is temporary, they are forced to become dormant in mud during the summer. Turtles living in northern areas will hibernate during the winter.

Overall Description

Caspian Pond Turtles feature an oval and smooth carapace that can be black, tan, or olive. The body is also marked with cream or yellow colored lines.

These turtles will usually breed in the early part of the spring season, but they might also breed in the autumn as well. Nesting will typically happen in June and July. Four to six eggs, on average, will be in each clutch, and the eggs will be brittle-shelled, elongated, and white. Hatchlings will feature carapaces that are round and roughly 33 mm long. They will also be brighter in color compared to adult Caspian Pond Turtles.

When they are juveniles, these turtles will be carnivorous. As they become adults, they will shift to being omnivorous instead. Larger turtles have even been observed following a more herbivorous diet.

Caspian Pond Turtles are highly adaptable and make their home in brackish and freshwater bodies of water.


The Caspian Pond Turtle will feature an oval and smooth carapace that can be tan, black, or olive in color, along with yellow or cream colored patterns on the shell, head, and arms.

To house a Caspian Pond Turtle, you will need a 75-gallon tank, as a minimum, for an adult. A koi pond or a commercial turtle tub would be even better. If you are planning on housing more than one Caspian Pond Turtle in a single tank, however, it should be a 90-gallon aquarium for a pair of turtles. For each additional turtle, you need to have an extra 40 gallons available in the tank.

It is fine to keep these turtles in an aquarium without anything on the bottom because the gravel will only end up trapping too much waste and food (plus, the gravel may end being swallowed by the turtle). Your Caspian Pond Turtle will also require a dry surface that is designed for basking and resting, such as a commercial turtle dock.

A powerful filter will be required to keep the turtle’s water as clean as possible in between manual water cleanings, and you should provide UVB lighting to keep your pet healthy. Also, the water temperature should be between 60°F and 82°F, and the basking area should be 90-100°F, so you will need a heater and a thermometer to monitor these temperatures.

Care Requirements

In terms of diet, a variety of different foods will keep your turtle happy and healthy. These turtles typically feed on aquatic insects, carrion, amphibians, small invertebrates, and various terrestrial and aquatic plants in the wild.

Caspian Pond Turtles that are kept as pets enjoy eating commercial turtle pellets, as well as fish, meat, earthworms, insects, minnows, roaches, crickets, prawn, crayfish, greens, and shrimp. A cuttlebone can also be provided as an additional calcium supplement.

Caspian Pond Turtles enjoy basking, but they will quickly dive into the water if they are frightened.


These turtles enjoy basking, but they will quickly dive into the water if they are frightened. They are personable, and they will eventually recognize you as their caretaker. You will notice that your turtle is quite active, as well as always hungry and alert. You may even find your turtle begging you for a snack as soon as he sees you.

Like other turtles, the Caspian Pond Turtle will not enjoy being handled or held. These turtles can also bite you if they are frightened. They can be housed alone or with other turtles in the same tank.

Photo credit: Yuvalr/Wikimedia; Graham Gavaghan/Flickr; Al_Kan/Bigstock
Lisa Selvaggio
Lisa Selvaggio

Lisa Selvaggio is a freelance writer and editor, and our resident cats-pert, with certifications in pet nutrition and pet first aid. She enjoys producing content that helps people understand animals better so they can give their pets a safe and happy home.

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