
American Ringtail Cat

The American Ringtail Cat (also known as the Ringtail Sing-a-Ling) is a fairly new experimental breed that started with a rescued cat named Solomon in 1998.


Ragdolls are happy, docile cats that tend to go limp when picked up. The Ragdoll is of the most relaxed of all cat breeds and are extremely trusting.

Norwegian Forest Cat

Although well adapted for life outside, the Norwegian Forest Cat would much rather spend his time indoors. This cat likes to be at home with his people.


Acutely intelligent and highly inquisitive, there are few cats who exhibit the degree of loving devotion seen in the Siamese.

Thai Cat

The Thai Cat is intelligent, clever, and talkative, often telling their owners how they feel. This cat breed can be quite demanding for your attention.

California Spangled

California Spangled bred in order to produce a domestic pet that would resemble the appearance of wild cats, such as the leopard and the ocelot.


The Poogle is a hybrid breed that is increasing in popularity. These little dogs are known for their loving temperaments and affectionate personalities.

Russian Blue

The Russian Blue Cat is good with children and other pets, and is generally gentle, quiet and shy in nature. This breed is intuitive to its owners' moods.

Turkish Van

Curious and intelligent by nature, the Turkish Van is an adventurous and entertaining companion. Unlike many cats, they love water, and will even swim.

Turkish Angora

The Turkish Angora has an outstanding reputation for being not only intelligent but highly adaptable. Playful and loving, these cats do well with children.


The Tiffanie is an active breed with a curious frame of mind, but gentle and affectionate. They don't get along with other cats and are given to jealousy.


A Siberian cat is a charming and personable presence in the household. They like to be near their people, and do quite well with other animals and kids.

Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold is a hardy cat, doing justice to the breed's working class origins. They have very small, soft voices and in general "speak" only rarely.


The Ragamuffin is an extremely docile cat. They love their people and are affectionate and cuddly, so much so, that when they are picked up, they go limp.

Pixie Bob

The Pixie Bob is an active, social cat with a bold and playful spirit. They like to be in multi-animal households, and express themselves vocally.


The Persian cat is the most popular of all cat breeds. It has gentle dispositions to match their sweet faces, and the capacity to blend into any household.


The lively and affectionate Nebelung is both intelligent and good natured. Although playful, these are mild mannered cats with a gentle disposition.


Elegant and athletic, the active LaPerm is also an excellent lap cat with an affectionate, gregarious, and inquisitive nature. They make superb family pets.


An affectionate and cuddly cat, the Korat bonds strongly with its humans, but will single out a favorite. They are playful, but gentle with children.


Closely kin to the Balinese, the Javanese is a talkative philosopher that is fine alone during the day, but wants your attention in the evenings.

Japanese Bobtail

The Japanese Bobtail is a sociable, active breed known for its excellent health. They like to be with their humans regardless of the activity at hand.


Although playful and active, the Himalayan likes lap time. These are people oriented cats who offer their "help" regardless of what their humans are doing.

Exotic Shorthair

The quiet and docile Exotic Shorthair adapts easily to any environment, getting along well with dogs and children. They are inquisitive and outgoing.

European Burmese

The loving and affectionate European Burmese exhibits loyalty to its humans, seeking out companionship, and wanting to be actively involved in every project

Devonshire Rex

The Devonshire Rex is one of the most fun-loving of all cats. Loyal and devoted to its humans, you are owned by the Devon, not the other way around.

Cornish Rex

The Cornish Rex is very much a people cat. They may look elegant, even aloof and dignified, but in reality they are active and affectionate.


The Burmese is a highly affectionate and charming cat that seems to convey an endearing quality of innocence. They bond deeply with their humans.

British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is an adaptable and calm breed. They learn quickly, get along well with all members of the household and don't like to be carried.


The highly intelligent Bengal forms close and strong bonds with their humans, seeking attention and placing themselves in the middle of all activities.


Elegant, graceful, and intelligent, the long lines of the Balinese create a svelte, muscular cat that is both supple and strong. Playful and affectionate.

American Shorthair

The American Shorthair is an easy-going cat that openly displays affection and does well with children and dogs. They do, however, like their quiet time.

American Curl

The temperament of an American Curl is nothing short of outstanding. They love spending time with humans, showing open affectionate and are interactive.

American Bobtail

Fun, playful, affectionate and endlessly interested in whatever their humans are doing, the American Bobtail cheerfully initiates games of fetch.


Although the Abyssinian is not a lap cat, it is affectionate and intelligent, requiring lots of interaction. The Aby is one of the oldest breeds.