

Filefish are a curious species of saltwater fish. They are characterized by their rhomboid shaped bodies, thick, sandpaper-like skin and small, fleshy fins.


Cardinalfish are a large family of saltwater fish made up of over 200 sub-species. Most species are extremely colorful and are a couple of inches in length.


Tetra are a species of tropical fish extremely popular in the aquarium trade. There are over 150 different species of tetras, most have small bodies.


Also known as argus fish and spotted scats, scats are one of the most popular species of brackish water aquarium fish. They have square shaped bodies.


Rasboras are a family of minnow-type freshwater fish characterized by their small bodies and vibrant colorations. They are an extremely peaceful fish.


Rainbowfish are a family of small freshwater fish that get their name from their iridescent colorations that change shades in different light settings.


Pacu fish are a large family of freshwater fish related to the piranha. While some species look like piranhas, they are herbivores and are peaceful fish.


Often regarded as the king of the freshwater aquarium, discus fish are one of the most beautiful species of aquarium fish; and one of the hardest to keep.