Alaskan Malamute

Considered to be excellent family pets, the Alaskan Malamute is intelligent and clever and will do anything to ensure that its owners are pleased with them.

Highland Maltie

The Highland Maltie combines the fun-loving personality of the Maltese with the bold little West Highland White Terrier for a wonderful dog.


Gollie pups bring together the best of both worlds: the sweet, playful disposition of Golden Retriever with the Collie's intelligence and obedient nature.

French Bulldog

This stocky and adorable little fellow always looks like it's in a good mood. A wonderful friend, the French Bulldog has a sweet and funny personality.

Russian-European Laika

The Russian-European Laika is a hunting dog known for its ability to tree game, though it has also been used to hunt game birds, moose, and even bear.

Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is the canine equivalent of an armored tank. This breed is brave and strong, but is also manageable and protective of its human owners.


The energetic Wetterhoun is a hunting and retrieving breed that loves the water. The name of this gun dog breed comes from the Dutch term for "water dog".


The Spanador is a cross between a purebred Labrador Retriever and the Cocker Spaniel. They're loyal, affectionate, intelligent, and playful.


The Cadoodle is a cross between a collie and a standard poodle. They are also known as Colliedoodles or Colliepoos, they are sweet, smart and energetic.

Tibetan Spaltese

The Tibetan Spaltese has a low-maintenance coat and moderate activity needs. This designer dog was developed by crossing the Tibetan Spaniel with a Maltese.

Alaskan Husky

The Alaskan Husky is an intelligent and active breed that thrives as a sled dog or simply when given a job to do. Perfect for dog sports.

Lancashire Heeler

The Lancashire Heeler a skilled drover and an excellent companion pet, as well as a wonderful herding dog, though considered a rare breed.


Blennies are a species of marine fish made up of 6 distinct families. They are characteristically small in size and are similar to gobies in appearance.


The eager-to-please Schweenie is a fun combination of the feisty little Shih Tzu and the clever, often headstrong Dachshund.

English Boodle

The English Boodle brings together the gentle English Bulldog with the playful Poodle. This sweet-natured dog loves to be part of all family activities.

Bohemian Wirehaired Pointing Griffon

Known in its homeland as the Cesky Fousek, the Bohemian Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is a versatile gundog with a thick wiry coat.

Golden Newfie

The great big Golden Newfie brings together the sweet-natured Golden Retriever and the eager-to-please Newfoundland for a wonderful family dog.

Basset Artesien Normand

It's easy to tell that the Basset Artesien Normand is a relative of the Basset Hound. Known for his obedience and gentle temperament.

Belgian Sheepdog

Elegant, sporting a lovely basic black coat, the Belgian Sheepdog is graceful and versatile. He is happiest when he has specific duties to perform.

Bedlington Terrier

If you saw this dog, you may do a double take. Was that a lamb or a dog? The Bedlington Terrier is most certainly a dog, even if it's unusual looking.


The Cairnoodle is a cross between a purebred Cairn Terrier and Poodle. This breed is easy to train, as it is willing to please, and loves to amuse people.


The sweet Peek-A-Pom is also known as Peekapom and Pominese. This designer toy dog breed was developed by crossing the Pekingese and Pomeranian.


The Jarkie is a sweet, sassy pooch with a lot of energy. This designer dog is a cross between a Yorkshire Terrier and a Japanese Chin.


The Labradane is a hybrid mix of the Labrador Retriever and Great Dane. His loving, social nature means he gets along well with kids and other dogs.


Acutely intelligent and highly inquisitive, there are few cats who exhibit the degree of loving devotion seen in the Siamese.


Tangs are a highly popular species of saltwater aquarium fish. They are characterized by their laterally compressed bodies and scalpel-like spines.

Jack Tzu

A small, spunky pooch with a heart of gold- Jack Tzu is a mix between a Shih Tzu and a Jack Russell Terrier. Read on to find out more about these cute dogs!


The Glechon is a cross between a purebred Beagle and Bichon Frise. These dogs are known for being easygoing, friendly, playful, affectionate, and smart.


Mixing the looks and personality traits of the Dalmatian and the Poodle, the Dalmadoodle is an intelligent, loyal, and wonderful companion.

Treeing Walker Coonhound

Also known as the English Coonhound, the Treeing Walker Coonhound is passionate about hunting. On top of that, this dog also makes an excellent family pet.

Brussels Griffon

Ideal for apartment dwellers, the Brussels Griffon is spunky, playful, yet stubborn and mischievous. This dog is also good with other pets and children.

Basset Retriever

The super-friendly Basset Retriever brings together the laid-back personality of the Basset Hound and the people-pleasing nature of the Golden Retriever.

Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff truly is a gentle giant. A wonderful watch and guard dog, the Tibetan Mastiff loves his people, making him a fantastic family dog.

Soft Coated Golden

The friendly, playful Soft Coated Golden brings the sweet-natured Golden Retriever together with the fun-loving Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.


The Keagle is a cross between a purebred Beagle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. This super cute pooch will win you over in no time at all.


The species known as frogfish are all members of the family Antennariidae which is sometimes known as the anglerfish family, especially in Australia.

Polish Lowland Sheepdog

The shaggy Polish Lowland Sheepdog (or PON as it's known in the United States) is native to Poland and was bred as a specialist sheep herder.


A Swedish breed, the Schillerstovare were developed to exhibit a lively temperament, strong scenting ability, and versatility in the field.


The Hokkaido is a native Japanese breed similar in appearance to the Shiba Inu and the Akita. This dog is very intelligent and trainable.

Boglen Terrier

The Boglen Terrier is a cross between a purebred Beagle and Boston Terrier. They are intelligent, gentle, and tolerant dogs that are loyal and faithful.

Crested Malt

The Crested Malt was developed by crossing the sweet Maltese with the friendly Chinese Crested- and it can inherit the parents' hypoallergenic qualities.

Rhodesian Labrador

The Rhodesian Labrador is a mix of Labrador Retriever and Rhodesian Ridgeback. The hybrid breed prefers to be inside in the company of his family.


The Flandoodle is a cross between a purebred Bouvier des Flandres and Poodle. They are loving, gentle, and extremely faithful and protective.


Eels are one of the more fascinating species of fish in the aquarium trade. They are characterized by their long bodies and snake-like heads.

American Staffordshire Terrier

Despite its tough look, the American Staffordshire Terrier is affectionate and loving. A wonderful guard dog, this breed might be a fit for your home.


One of the most commonly available species of freshwater aquarium fish, the guppy is a long favorite amongst aquarium enthusiasts worldwide.


Jackaranian designer dog is a mix of Pomeranian and Jack Russell Terrier. You might also know these dogs as Jack-A-Ranian, Pom Jack, Pom-a-Jack or Jack Pom.


The loving Keeshdoodle is a mix of the playful Poodle and the please-pleasing Keeshond. This breed is a wonderful family dog who loves kids.

American Cocker Spaniel

If you are looking for a small, friendly dog then look no further than the American Cocker Spaniel. You'll love his floppy ears, soft coat and friendly eyes

European Burmese

The loving and affectionate European Burmese exhibits loyalty to its humans, seeking out companionship, and wanting to be actively involved in every project


Favored by hunters as a popular breed at field trails, the Brittany is quick, curious, independent, and easy to train. Great pets for families and retirees.


The Labany is a sweet, gentle, sociable dog who loves to be included in all family activities. This dog just loves to please his owner/family.

Toy Rat Doxie

If you want a small dog with a big personality, you'll love the feisty Toy Rat Doxie. This designer dog is a mix between a Daschund and a Rat Terrier.

Spanish Water Dog

The Spanish Water Dog is an intelligent breed that does best when given a job to do but, at the end of the day, they love to spend time with family.

Minuet Cat

The Minuet Cat is a cross between a Persian and a Munchkin cat. These cats are really affectionate and social, as they love to be around people.

Boston Yorkie

The parents of Boston Yorkie are two purebred dogs, the Yorkshire Terrier and the Boston Terrier. Read on to find out all about these rare designer breed!

Old Danish Pointer

Also known as the Old Danish Pointing Dog, the Old Danish Pointer is a medium-sized pointing breed developed in Denmark for hunting.


The Frug is a cross between a purebred French Bulldog and Pug. They like spending as much time around their human family as possible.


A mix between a Chihuahua and a Silky Terrier is popularly called the Silkyhuahua or Silky Chi and is a quirky, affectionate, fun, and adorable dog.

Corydoras Catfish

Also known as cories or cory catfish, Corydoras catfish are bottom feeders and generally docile fish that do well in a community setting.