Golden Sheltie
The rare Golden Sheltie is a mix between a Golden Retriever and a Shetland Sheepdog. These designer dogs are intelligent, easy to train, and energetic.
The rare Golden Sheltie is a mix between a Golden Retriever and a Shetland Sheepdog. These designer dogs are intelligent, easy to train, and energetic.
Eels are one of the more fascinating species of fish in the aquarium trade. They are characterized by their long bodies and snake-like heads.
It may be similar to the Jack Russell Terrier, but the Parson Russell Terrier is a breed all its own.It was distinguished as its own breed in 2003.
Despite being sweet and easy going, training a Bocker (a mix of Beagle and Cocker Spaniel) may be a challenge as they like to do things their own way.
Rays are a large group of fish closely related to sharks. Ray fish are characterized by their flat bodies and a tough, elastic skeleton made of cartilage.
One glance at the Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog is all it takes to know that this breed was developed for herding and guarding livestock.
The Braque dAuvergne is a pointing breed and a versatile gundog that also makes a great family pet. This working breed needs plenty of daily exercise.
The Egyptian Mau cat's intelligence and his unquestioned loyalty to his humans makes these irrepressible personable cats almost enchanting to be around.
The Alusky is a cross between a purebred Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute. These dogs are charming, loyal, loving, outgoing, and playful.
Jawfish are species of saltwater fish very similar in appearance to blennies. They are characterized by their comparatively larger mouths and heads.
The Chimation brings the sassy personality of the Chihuahua together with the energy of the Dalmatian. This dog thrives on human companionship.
The Tiffanie is an active breed with a curious frame of mind, but gentle and affectionate. They don't get along with other cats and are given to jealousy.
Before bringing a Siberian Husky into your home, you should be aware that it is a pack animal, so it needs to feel like it is part of the family.
The Minuet Cat is a cross between a Persian and a Munchkin cat. These cats are really affectionate and social, as they love to be around people.
An asset to the bird hunter, the Portuguese Pointer is considered to be one of the ultimate gundogs. He is a loyal watchdog who is reliable with children.
The Highlander resembles a wildcat, making it a truly unique looking breed. Even though they may look wild, they are actually wonderful, gentle pets.
The feisty Pinny Poo brings together the protective nature of the Miniature Pinscher and the playful personality of the Miniature Poodle.
The Peterbald is a new hairless cat breed that originated in Russia in the 1990s. These cats are renowned for their dog-like loyalty toward their humans.
Batfish are a family of marine fish, similar in appearance but unrelated to the angelfish. Juveniles are characterized by their bat-like side profile.
Ragdolls are happy, docile cats that tend to go limp when picked up. The Ragdoll is of the most relaxed of all cat breeds and are extremely trusting.
Though you may not have heard of him, the Bruno Jura Hound has ancient origins. Developed during the Middle Ages, this breed remains a talented hunter.
The Labahoula is a mix of Labrador Retriever and Louisiana Catahoula Leopard Dog. The hybrid breed is known for being gentle, playful, and great with kids.
A regal and elegant dog, the Akita is a pleasure to look at, thanks in part to a tail that sweeps over the top of its back into a gentle curl.
The American Mastiff is a calm and steady breed you're sure to love. A cross between the English Mastiff and the Anatolian Mastiff.
The flounder is also known as a flatfish; a fitting name because its body is laterally compressed and it lays on its side, burrowing into the substrate.
Piranha are a family of extremely aggressive freshwater fish. They are characterized by two rows of extremely sharp, triangular shaped teeth.
Originally bred as a hunting dog, the English Foxhound is an iconic symbol of the British Hunt. It is a strongly built breed and has muscular legs.
The sturdy little Shorgi is full of personality; bringing together the feisty character of the Shih Tzu and the people-pleasing Pembroke Welsh Corgi.
The eager-to-please Labradinger is a cheerful blend of two working breed dogs; the friendly Labrador Retriever and the energetic English Springer Spaniel.
Strong work ethic and being faithful to a fault are only two of the many incredible qualities found in the wonderful Greater Swiss Mountain Dog.
Freshwater gobies are generally peaceful community fish that can be kept with other community species. They belong to the family Gobiidae group of Goby.
Ram Cichlids (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) are a species of freshwater cichlid that can be found in slow-moving waters throughout the Orinoco River basin.
Learn more about the Golden Pei, a rare designer dog breed developed by crossing the affectionate Golden Retriever and devoted Chinese Shar-Pei.
Pacu fish are a large family of freshwater fish related to the piranha. While some species look like piranhas, they are herbivores and are peaceful fish.
The Poogle is a hybrid breed that is increasing in popularity. These little dogs are known for their loving temperaments and affectionate personalities.
The Pont-Audemer Spaniel is an excellent hunting breed. This is a hardy and hard-working breed which makes him an excellent working dog.
The Foldex is known for being cheerful, curious, intelligent, and active. It is also an affectionate breed, willing to approach strangers with confidence.
The Aki-Poo brings together the eager-to-please the Poodle and the protective the Akita. A protective dog that is known to be playful and affectionate.
If you are looking for a calm, friendly breed that is great with kids and has a noble appearance, look no further than the Sussex Spaniel. Very loyal breed.
The Wee-Chon is a cross between a purebred Bichon Frise and West Highland White Terrier. An energetic, affectionate, and playful little dog.
Cockeranian as a designer dog breed hasn't been around for too long, but it has already conquered many hearts of dog owners- and with good reason.
One of the oldest dog breeds, the Afghan Hound has become known as a "king of dogs" for its appearance, general demeanor, and general nobility as a breed.
Gollie pups bring together the best of both worlds: the sweet, playful disposition of Golden Retriever with the Collie's intelligence and obedient nature.
The Snorkie (Miniature Schnauzer and Yorkshire Terrier) is an intelligent little dog that thrives on human interaction and is a devoted family pet.
Boasting Viking heritage, the Norwegian Buhund is brave, loyal and fearless. These protective instincts make him a trusted watchdog and companion.
A medium sized dog, the Boykin Spaniel has made its way from a waterfowl retrieving breed to a faithful companion that fits into a number of households.
The Bolonoodle is a cross between a purebred Bolognese and Poodle. Full of love and energy, these dogs are a true pleasure to be around.
The Fourche Terrier is a cross between a purebred West Highland White Terrier and Yorkshire Terrier. A lively, smart, and friendly dog.
The Schapso is a cross between a purebred Lhasa Apso and Miniature Schnauzer. This little dog has a friendly, loving, and loyal disposition.
The bold, fun-loving little Affenpug dog brings together the charm of the Pug and the willful nature of the Affenpinscher.
The Alpine Dachsbracke has the ability to track game over the roughest terrain, even through the brush, following the trail long after it has gone cold.
If you saw this dog, you may do a double take. Was that a lamb or a dog? The Bedlington Terrier is most certainly a dog, even if it's unusual looking.
Like many breeds, you'll find that the Scottish Terrier's relatively peaceful personality makes for a perfect pet. The breed is playful and energetic.
Cotonese was developed by crossing two small dogs of similar traits, the lovely Maltese and the sweet Coton de Tulear. Find all about this desinger dog!
If you are looking for a small, friendly dog then look no further than the American Cocker Spaniel. You'll love his floppy ears, soft coat and friendly eyes
The Caravan Hound is a medium-sized breed with a lithe body similar to that of the Greyhound. A sighthound traditionally used for hunting and guarding.
A mixed breed pooch, the Silkshund is the offspring of the Silky Terrier and a Dachshund. This designer dog is a perfect companion for singles and seniors.
Named for its unique form of vocalization, the New Guinea Singing Dog is able to vary the pitch of their howl in combination with various yips and whines.
The Welsh Springer Spaniel is an athlete that can be happy flushing birds in the fields or playing Frisbee in the yard. This dog will keep you active.
The agile Curly-Coated Retriever (or Curly) is a multiple-purpose dog that is happy running in the fields, retrieving in the water or lounging on the couch.