American Cocker Spaniel

If you are looking for a small, friendly dog then look no further than the American Cocker Spaniel. You'll love his floppy ears, soft coat and friendly eyes

Doberman Pinscher

In the U.S., these dogs can simply be known as Dobermans, but the Doberman and the Doberman Pinscher are just two names for the same breed.


Despite being sweet and easy going, training a Bocker (a mix of Beagle and Cocker Spaniel) may be a challenge as they like to do things their own way.

Swedish Elkhound

The Swedish Elkhound is also known as the Jämthund and the Moosehound. It is an intelligent breed and one that is eager to please.

Silky Tzu

The sweet-natured little Silky Tzu is a playful combination of the often feisty, headstrong Shih Tzu and the lively, super-alert Silky Terrier.

Miniature Goldendoodle

The Miniature Goldendoodle is an exciting and relatively new designer dog breed that combines the best traits of two popular breeds: the Golden Retriever and the Miniature Poodle.

German Pinscher

The German Pinscher comes from a long line of German breeds and it was used in the development of the Doberman Pinscher and the Rottweiler.


The Labradoodle has been gaining popularity with dog lovers for a variety of reasons. This hybrid dog has become a favorite in households around the world.

Shiloh Shepherd

The Shiloh Shepherd is a cross between a purebred German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute. These dogs are protective, loyal, and loving.

Entlebucher Mountain Dog

The Entlebucher Mountain Dog is the smallest, but in no way least significant, member of the family of four Swiss mountain dogs or Sennenhunds.


Pacu fish are a large family of freshwater fish related to the piranha. While some species look like piranhas, they are herbivores and are peaceful fish.


Cute and cuddly, the Maltipoo is an affectionate hybrid breed dog. He is friendly and outgoing, believing that everyone in the world is his best friend.


A mixed breed pooch, the Silkshund is the offspring of the Silky Terrier and a Dachshund. This designer dog is a perfect companion for singles and seniors.

Dutch Rabbit

The Dutch rabbit is one of the oldest domestic rabbit breeds. This rabbit's flyback fur is short, glossy and easy to maintain, and they love to play.

Standard Schnauzer

We're sure that you'll find plenty to enjoy about the active, sporty Standard Schnauzer that is also known to be obedient, loyal, athletic, and watchful.


Small and cuddly, the Lhasapoo makes a wonderful companion for singles, couples, seniors and families alike. This designer dog breed is gentle in nature.


Often associated as the kind of dogs who help firemen and police, the Dalmatian is a notoriously good workers and are known as an assertive, friendly breed.

Cocker Spaniel

In this brief guide, we'll take a look at the Cocker Spaniel and address how it became a breed synonymous with "quality dog."


Gobies are one of the largest families of fish comprised of over 2000 separate species. Most species rarely grow more than a couple of inches in length.

American Bobtail

Fun, playful, affectionate and endlessly interested in whatever their humans are doing, the American Bobtail cheerfully initiates games of fetch.


The Shih-Poo is a fun-loving and energetic little fellow. Although he doesn't need loads of exercise, he is spunky when he wants to play.


If you're looking for a fluffy dog that will be a companion for life, look no further than the Bernedoodle. A hybrid of the Bernese Mountain Dog and Poodle.


The Clumberdoodle is a cross between a purebred Clumber Spaniel and Poodle. They are smart and friendly, as well as social and playful.

Welsh Springer Spaniel

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is an athlete that can be happy flushing birds in the fields or playing Frisbee in the yard. This dog will keep you active.


The Labrottie is a cross between a purebred Labrador Retriever and Rottweiler. These dogs are known for their affectionate and devoted personality.


Lively and full of the spunk, the Puggle is a fun-loving little clown. He'll run around and play like he was a puppy, even after he is well grownup!

Exotic Shorthair

The quiet and docile Exotic Shorthair adapts easily to any environment, getting along well with dogs and children. They are inquisitive and outgoing.

Irish Terrier

Versatility should be the middle name of the Irish Terrier. This breed is full of energy and courage. He doesn't realize that he is a medium-sized dog.


Favored by hunters as a popular breed at field trails, the Brittany is quick, curious, independent, and easy to train. Great pets for families and retirees.

Old English Sheepdog

Old English Sheepdog is durable, loving companion. It is considered a "happy" breed that is able to make the best of new or unusual situations.


The Jagdterrier is known for its black-and-tan coloration as well as its work ethic and hunting skills, as well as its courage, energy, and intelligence.

German Rex

German Rex cats are lively and friendly, and they'll get along really well with just about anyone, from young children to the elderly.


The Tamaskan may look like a wolf, but this breed is all dog. This pooch was selectively bred by dog breeders in order to create this type of appearance


General description Rabbitfish are a fairly large family of colorful saltwater fish. They are characterized by their rectangular bodies and small, protruding…


The Bombay can be a mischievous handful, possessing the combined qualities of a dog, a cat, and a monkey! They love to play fetch and entertain themselves.

French Chow

A relativelty rare designer dog breed, the French Chow is a mix between a French Bulldog and a Chow Chow that inherits the best traits of both parents.

Cão Da Serra De Aires

The Co da Serra de Aires is also known as the Portuguese Sheepdog. These breed bonds closely with family and they are always eager to please.

Cardigan Welsh Corgi

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi is a prime example of a dog that can be a good challenge for those who want to develop dog leadership skills.

Dandie Dinmont Terrier

The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a distinctive breed, thanks to the poof ball on the top of his head. The Dandie is ideal for both urban and country living.


A Chorkie is a mix of Yorkshire Terrier and Chihuahua They are one of the cutest breeds of designer dogs available to the modern dog owner.


Papshund is a rare designer dog breed, created by crossing two dogs known for their unusual looks and good temperaments- the Dachshund and the Papillon.

Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier

A compact, hardy, medium-sized dog, the Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier is lively, confident, curious, playful, congenial, and gentle.


The Poogle is a hybrid breed that is increasing in popularity. These little dogs are known for their loving temperaments and affectionate personalities.


The Snorkie (Miniature Schnauzer and Yorkshire Terrier) is an intelligent little dog that thrives on human interaction and is a devoted family pet.


The Wee-Chon is a cross between a purebred Bichon Frise and West Highland White Terrier. An energetic, affectionate, and playful little dog.


The Tiffanie is an active breed with a curious frame of mind, but gentle and affectionate. They don't get along with other cats and are given to jealousy.


The Sheltidoodle is a cross between a purebred Shetland Sheepdog and Poodle. They are also inclined to listen and to obey, and they are highly intelligent.

Chat Terrier

Energetic, playful, fun, and affectionate, these smart little dogs are the crossbreed offspring of a Chihuahua and a Rat Terrier.

Caravan Hound

The Caravan Hound is a medium-sized breed with a lithe body similar to that of the Greyhound. A sighthound traditionally used for hunting and guarding.


The Komondor is a sneaky flock-guarding dog. With his long, heavily-matted white coat, this dog blends right in with the sheep. He's also a loving companion


The combination of the delicate Papillon and the spunky Yorkshire Terrier results in this unique designer dog. The Yorkillon is sweet, cute, and friendly.


The Keeshond is a simply wonderful companion for many types of people. He is a fun-loving, sweet fellow that makes a great addition to many households.


The sleek Sloughi makes for a handsome and energetic family companion. This dog is happiest when he has a large, fenced backyard in which to run and play.

Swedish Vallhund

The Swedish Vallhund is energetic and eager to make friends. This breed comes with 3 different types of tail: bobtail, a stub tail or a full curl tail.


Known as trunkfish, cowfish and cofferfish; boxfish are a family of bony marine fish. They are known for their square shaped body and heavy armored scales.

Miniature American Shepherd

If you're looking for a loyal companion or a smart dog that can be trained for various sports, the Miniature American Shepherd is the right choice for you.


A mix between a Chihuahua and a Silky Terrier is popularly called the Silkyhuahua or Silky Chi and is a quirky, affectionate, fun, and adorable dog.

Small Münsterländer

Known as the Kleiner Mnsterlnder, the Small Mnsterlnder looks like a smaller version of the versatile hunting breed known as the Large Mnsterlnder.


The Eskland is a cross between an American Eskimo and Shetland Sheepdog. They are energetic pooches who always look like they have a smile on their face.

Tenterfield Terrier

The Tenterfield Terrier was developed in Australia and it is just as popular for its ability to hunt small prey as for its aptitude as a family companion.