Global Pet Expo 2018: Dessert Toys Are a Temptingly Sweet Collection B

Lori Ennis
by Lori Ennis
The 2018 Global Pet Expo is full of things that will have dogs drooling, but we have to be honest–some dog toys we’re seeing are making us drool a bit, too!

We admit it. We’re cuckoo for dog toys that look like foods. Adorable foods, that is.

Which is why we love foufouBrands new Desert Latex toys. They come from Ontario, and are made with natural, non-toxic latex.

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They’re stuffed with plush, becuase what dog does not love a stuffie popsicle? And the built-in squeaker of course brings out the chomp in any pooch!

These toys are part of foufouBrand’s fouFit line–designed to use stimulating products to promote healthy and active lifestyles. Pup parents can play with their dogs and these toys, or keep them all over the house so Fido can always have a little treat no matter where he is!

Related: Will Work For Food: Turn Your Dog’s Mealtime Into Game Time

The six sweet treats are so realistic, we’ll warn you to not gnaw on them yourself (though we wouldn’t blame you if you did) and your pup can choose from a dreamy creamsicle, an ice cream sandwich, a delicious chocolate-covered-strawberry, a fudge pop, a chocolate-chip cookie or the summer staple: a bomp pop! They retail for $6.99 (US) so grab.them.all.

No, seriously. Do it! Get them all!

Lori Ennis
Lori Ennis

More by Lori Ennis
