
Should You Get a Kitten for Your Senior Cat?

If you have a senior cat who seems bored or lonely, you might be thinking about adopting a kitten to give them a feline companion. But is this a good idea?

Why You Shouldn’t Give Pets As Gifts This Christmas

You love the idea of a puppy popping out of a gift wrapped box. But unlike most gifts, animals can't be returned or exchanged if it's not the right fit.

How To Calm A Hyper Kitten

Where does all the energy come from?!? They sure are cute, but how do you dial down a hyper kitten? Try these Zen-inspired tips to calm your kitty.

Crazy Couple’s “Natural” Cat Birth Announcement is Weird and Won

Tired of new-baby posts that clutter up your social media feeds? Bet you've never seen newborn pics like these, thanks to this hilarious Colorado couple!

How to Prepare For Your Kitten’s First Vet Visit

Before the big day, be prepared! First impressions are important, and you want to make sure your kitten's first vet visit goes smoothly.

Vital Vittles: The Benefits of Life Stage Diets for Cats

Bon appetite! From kitten to senior, and all stages in between, the right type of food ensures your cat gets all the nutrition he needs, when he needs it.

How to Bond With Your New Kitten

It's more than love at first sight. Start off your relationship purr-fectly by doing all the right things to bond with your kitten.

How To Choose A Reputable Cat Breeder

Finding the right cat breeder takes time and research, but the effort is well worth it! Here are a few tips on finding a reputable cat breeder.

How To Prepare Your Home For A New Kitten

That adorable ball of fur needs more than just "Ohhhhs" and "Ahhhhs" to be happy. Here's what you need to take care of before your new kitten arrives home.

The Stages of Kitten Development

Knowing the different stages in kitten development will allow you to ensure all of his needs are met and that he will grow up to be strong and healthy.