
Paradise Fish

Paradise fish are a colorful species of freshwater fish belonging to the gourami family. They were the first tropical fish to be imported 150 years ago.


Tetra are a species of tropical fish extremely popular in the aquarium trade. There are over 150 different species of tetras, most have small bodies.


A relatively hardy and easy to care for livebearer, the swordtail is one of the most popular aquarium fish species among beginner aquarists.

Silver Dollar

Silver dollars are an extremely popular species of freshwater fish. They get their name from their almost round shaped bodies and silver coloring.


Also known as argus fish and spotted scats, scats are one of the most popular species of brackish water aquarium fish. They have square shaped bodies.


Also referred to as Rope Fish, Dragon Fish and Snake Fish, reedfish are a curious species of fish characterized by their long, snake-like bodies.


Rasboras are a family of minnow-type freshwater fish characterized by their small bodies and vibrant colorations. They are an extremely peaceful fish.


Rainbowfish are a family of small freshwater fish that get their name from their iridescent colorations that change shades in different light settings.


Pacu fish are a large family of freshwater fish related to the piranha. While some species look like piranhas, they are herbivores and are peaceful fish.

Neon Tetra

The Neon tetra is an incredibly beautiful species of tropical freshwater aquarium fish. Neon tetras usually grow up to around 1.2 inches in length.


The Molly is one of the most popular species of livebearers in aquarium culture. It is a hardy and adaptable species and are great for beginner aquarists.


Loaches are a large family of highly intelligent freshwater fish. There are over 200 different species and they are characterized by their eel-like bodies.


Koi are one of the most popular types of pond fish. Their bodies, which are long and powerful, are very similar to that of the wild carp.


One of the most commonly available species of freshwater aquarium fish, the guppy is a long favorite amongst aquarium enthusiasts worldwide.


Gobies are one of the largest families of fish comprised of over 2000 separate species. Most species rarely grow more than a couple of inches in length.


Often regarded as the king of the freshwater aquarium, discus fish are one of the most beautiful species of aquarium fish; and one of the hardest to keep.


Danios are a popular species of freshwater fish in the aquarium hobby. They are characterized by two pairs of long barbells that hang from their mouth.


Catfish are a large family of freshwater fish extremely popular in the aquarium trade. Extremely hardy and make for fascinating aquarium specimens.


Barbs are a large family of freshwater fish that are a popular choice in the aquarium hobby. Different species of barbs come in a dazzling array of colors.