
Take Advantage of Canadian Pet Prime Day Deals!

<p><b>It&rsquo;s our favourite day of the year&mdash;Amazon Prime Day. We&rsquo;re psyched to share the stuff we found for our furry friends, available only in Canada.</b></p>

Lab Who Can Turn Off Vacuum Becomes Hero To Dogs Everywhere

Dogs are way smarter than we often give them credit for. Case in point: a clever pup who knows what she wants and how to make it happen!

Dog Refuses to Move From Roomba, Gets Massage Instead [Video]

Most dogs run away from the vacuum, but one rescue pup out of Texas decided he'd had enough of his family's Roomba trying to move him out of the way.

Here’s What Happens When the Poop Hits the Roomba

What happens when a Roomba zooms over dog poop? We found this harrowing tale of a "Poopacylpse," to be the stuff that dramatic comedies are made of!