Cat Blog

Holy Meow! Our cat blog lets you dig your claws into the latest news, information, tips, and products that are breaking in the world of cats. is always on the prowl for what cat lovers need to know to keep their cats healthy and happy.

We talk about topics that cat parents need to know about. Does your cat have hairballs? We have some tips to help your cat cutback on this nasty grooming concern. Or maybe your cat is trying to tell you something… well, we know how to decode all that secret kitty body language. Or perhaps you’re welcoming a new kitten or cat into your family – let us help you get your home ready for this new addition. When birthdays and holidays roll around, are you stuck on what to get the impossible-to-buy-for cat or cat lover in your life? We’ve thought of all of that and much more, giving you the answers you need to make your cat’s life purr-fect. Plus, we’ll keep you posted on all the cool cat news, events, contests, studies, videos, and funny updates that make the Internet so cat friendly.’s cat blog helps to inspire cat parents, offering our readers the best ideas and solutions for life with their cats. From feline-friendly home decor items, adorable pictures of kittens, and cat rescue organizations, to in-depth information about all the official recognized cat breeds to choose from and common feline health symptoms and treatments, we’ve got our paws on the pulse of what’s happening in the world of cats.

If you have a question, if there’s a product you’d like us to review or something you like to know more about, please let us know and we’ll cover it in our cat blog. The more crazy cat people, the better–there’s always room for one more feline lover in our cat community!

What Is Pancreatitis in Cats?

While it's not known what causes the condition, pancreatitis in cats is a serious issue. Here's what you should know about the disease.

Banned Library Cat Has New Gig as Part Of Literacy Movement

Remember Max the Library Cat, who wasn't welcome at the Macalester College Library? He's now become a campus celebrity welcomed with open arms!

First Time In US Cats Test Positive For COVID-19

Two pet cats in New York have tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) and are the first to do so in the United States. Both are expe…

Understanding Asthma In Cats

This human affliction can also leave your cat short of breath - and it's a serious health risk. here's what you need to know about asthma in cats.

Grumpy Cat Perks Up After Winning $710,000 in Court Case

Grumpy Cat is best known for her mean mugging, but if ever she’d smile, it’s because she just been awarded over $700,000 in a lawsuit claiming he…

Why Do Felines Love Cat Trees?

Perching isn't just for the birds. Have you ever noticed how your kitty loves to climb up cat trees? Let's look at why cats love an indoor tree with a view!

To Your Cat, You’re Just Another Cat

You're more than your cat's best friend - you're another cat! Here's what research has to say about the relationships and humans.

Best Laser Toys

When you think of the different types of cat toys that are available, you might think of laser pointers that make kitties super excited to play and catch the red dot. But what are some of the things to think about before you buy one of these toys? And what are some of the best options out there when it comes to laser toys for cats? We’ve got you covered with some helpful information below, along with a list of some of the many products out there that we think are worth looking into when you start shopping for your pet.

3 Veterinary Tests That Every New Cat Should Get

When your new cat comes home, you need to take her to the vet for a health check. Here are the tests you need to ask your veterinarian to run on your kitty.

3 Common Cat Training Mistakes

When it comes to training cats, you might not be sure where to begin. They aren’t like dogs, and they can be quite stubborn.

How to Stop a Greedy Cat From Scarfing Down Food

One of the most annoying things about cats has to be cat puke! Here's how a common household item can help your cat slow down when it comes to eating.

Get Book Smart With Brain Games for Cats

Learn fun ways interact with your cat and teach him some cool tricks. "Brain Games for Cats" offers plenty of games that will shape your cat's behavior.

Epic Journey of Refugee Cat Will Have You Cutting Onions [Video]

What do you mean you haven't cried today? Let's fix that right up with this three-tissue video of a refugee family being reunited with their beloved cat.

Adventure Cat Inspiration & Tips: Meet Walter!

Dogs aren't the only ones who like to get out and about. We'd like to introduce you to adventure cats, and a kitty named Walter who's all about travel!

Budding Designers Are Invited to Invent a Prize-Winning Cat Bed

Design a sustainable cat bed with stunning good looks and you could be in with a chance of winning $1,500 and your design in production.

Best Cat Pheromone Diffusers

Does your cat have behavioral issues you can't curb with training. We've found the best cat pheromone diffusers to help you out with the problem.�

Ups and Downs: Understanding Feline Diabetes

Did you know that there are two types of diabetes that cats can suffer from? Watch for these symptoms of feline diabetes and how to treat this disease.

How To Prevent Boredom While Your Cat Is Home Alone

While the human is away, the cat will play - what kind of trouble will your kitty get into? Here's how to keep him busy while you're out of the house.

Curio Custom Litter Box is The Cat’s Meow

We all know that cats can be particular about their litter boxes. But your kitty will have nothing but happy purrs with the Curio Modern Cat Litter Box.

Our Guide to the Best Cat Harnesses

Do you want to take your feline on some outdoor adventures? Then you’ll need a leash and harness designed for cats.

The Cat Daddy Partners With GreaterGood.Org to Help At-Risk Animals

Partnering with, The Jackson Galaxy Project will work to better the lives of at-risk animals and the people who take care of them.

Reasons Why You Should Spay Or Neuter Your Cat

You’re doing more than helping to control the pet population You’ve probably heard people, especially animal rescuers and shelter workers, talk a…

PetGuide’s Best New Cat Product of 2018: Petronics Mousr

As a durable, entertaining toy that is designed to impress felines and their parents alike, The Petronics Mousr definitely deserved to win this award.

Cat Not Using Litter Box? These Tips May Clear The Air

What's that smell? What's that mess? Looks like your kitty's bathroom is out of order. Cat not using litter box? Check to see if it's one of these problems.

The Most Cat-ified Cat Video You’ve EVER Seen [Video]

What happens when you take a cat video, fill it up with cat graphics... and then throw more cats into the mix? You get cattiest cat video we have ever seen!

‘Unadoptable’ Cat Shares Special Bond With New Furever Family

There is a someone for everyone, and that's no better proven with the story of a special-needs cat and a little girl with whom he shares a special bond.

Holiday Trick or Treats For Your Cat

Spooky season is right around the corner and that can only mean one thing – it’s your kitty’s time to shine.

Feline Health: Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Don't write off your cat's unusual behavior as a cry for attention - it could be a cry for help! These symptoms could signal a serious health problem.

KEDi Documents the Lives of Istanbul’s Street Cats

The street cats of Istanbul have a special relationship with the city's residents. KEDi follows the lives of 7 Turkish tabbies as they interact with humans.

How To Bond With Your New Senior Cat

Many things get better with age - including your cat! If you're thinking of adopting an senior cat, we've got a few tips that will help you bond.

First Ever DNA Test for Cats Hopes to Prevent Health Issues in Felines

Basepaws, a genetic startup from California, became the first company to offer DNA testing kits for cats. Their goal? Making feline lives better.

HABRI Grant Helps Study Impact of Shelter Cat Adoption by Kids With Au

HABRI awards a grant to the University of Missouri that will look at the effects of shelter cat adoptions in families that have children with autism.

How Much Does Your Cat Remember?

Just like elephants, it turns out that cats have a good memory. According to research, cats remember a lot more than we thought they could.

Can’t Adopt Due to Sensitivity to Cat Allergens? No More Excuses.

There are so many people that adore cats but can’t adopt one because of their sensitivities to cat allergens.

5 Cool Beds Your Cat Would Love to Nap In

They don't call it a cat nap for nothing! When it's time for your kitty to curl up, she'll catch plenty of sweet dreams in these types of cat beds.

Understanding Your Cat’s Heat Cycle

If your kitty isn't spayed, you can expect your female cat to go through heat cycles. Let's talk about what it is and what to expect.

What’s With Cats and All That Stretching?

Cats are able to contort their bodies into all kinds of positions when they stretch. Here's what experts say about cats and their nimble stretching habits.

What Is The Best Cat Litter For Your Kitty?

There are many kinds of kitty litter on the market. To pick the best cat litter for you and your kitty, you need to know the different types out there.

99 Lives Project Uses Cat Genome Sequencing To Shed Light On Human Dis

University of Missouri researchers believe that the genetic makeup of cats may help identify new treatments for humans suffering from allergies, asthma, diab…

PyroPet Candles Burn Down Reveal A Cat’s Split Personality

A unique candle from PyroPet Candles showcases the duality of our feline friends with a surprise skeleton that literally comes out of the burning candle!

5 Tips On Proper Nutrition For Your Pregnant Cat

If you've got a pregnant cat, you need to give her the nutrition she needs to stay strong throughout her pregnancy and give birth to healthy kittens.

How Do Cats Show Affection?

Have you ever thought: "How do cats show affection?" As it turns out - plenty! Here's how to pick up on all the affection your kitty is throwing down!

How Safe Is Your Cat From His Favorite Toys?

It's all fun and games until someone (or some kitty) eats a toy. There are certain toys you should be wary of letting your cat get his paws on.

There's a Herd of Cute Cats Living Large in Disneyland

The resident cats, and there is around 200 of them, keep the theme park free of rodents, and get proper care and food in return.

Panty-Stealing Pussy Prompts Hilarious Apology Letter

What do you do when a real-life cat burglar roams your 'hood? For a woman from Cardiff, England, you write hilarious apology letters and beg forgiveness!

Grooming Senior Cats: Why It’s Important

Having a grooming routine for your cat is recommended regardless of your kitty’s age, but it can become even more important as your pet gets older.

The Stages of Kitten Development

Knowing the different stages in kitten development will allow you to ensure all of his needs are met and that he will grow up to be strong and healthy.

Top 10 Meowy Catmas Gifts for Cats and Feline Fans

Feline Navidad! Got a kitty or a cat person on your holiday shopping list? Wrap up one of these meowy catmas gifts for cats and the people who love them.

Is It Normal for Cats to Snore?

It's not unusual of hearing about dogs who like to cut logs while they get their beauty sleep. But what about cats - is it normal for kitties to snore?

6 Gratifying Reasons To Adopt A Senior Cat

Sure, kittens are cute, but senior cats come fully equipped with priceless pet experience! Here's why you shouldn't overlook these shelter gems.

Why Do Cats Purr?

If you're happy and you know it, let out a purr! We love that sound - but did you know there's much more behind it - so why do cats purr?

5 Cool Cat Facts You Didn’t Know

Amaze and stump your friends with strange cat-nerd trivia facts.Felines are definitely interesting creatures who always keep us guessing. And each cat has hi…

Mini Meow: What Are Miniature Cats?

Did you know that there's such a thing as miniature cats? It's true! Before choosing one of these mini kitties, read up on the big facts, tips and scams.

5 Awesome Spay and Neuter Feral Cat Programs

To help control the feral cat population, we want to highlight five amazing spay and neuter programs that may be available in your community.

CatCon Celebrates National Cat Lady Day

Crazy Cat Ladies - the day is yours! CatCon celebrates you and your love of felines with the first official National Cat Lady Day!

Best Electronic Cat Toys

Too busy to play with your cat? Not to worry - these electronic cat toys keep your feline happy and entertain while you're not around.�

9 Scratch-Free Tips On How To Bathe A Cat

Even cats need a bath. How do you keep your arms intact while undertaking this perilous activity? Here's how to bathe a cat and remain relatively unscathed.

Pretend Kitten Takes Advantage Of Kansas Grandma’s Hospitality

An unlikely 'stray' animal took up residence at the home of a Kansas grandma, and the Internet fell in love with the sweet little orphan!

New Google Chrome Extension Makes America Kittens Again!

Google Chrome has added a new extension, and it's sure to "Make America Kittens. It replaces pictures of US President-Elect Donald Trump with kittens!

NoBowl Feeding System Lets Your Cat Play With His Food

To cats, bowls are boring! Feed the need and lose the bowl. The new NoBowl Cat Feeding System allows your cat to do what he does best - hunt!