Fish Blog

If you’re looking to swim with the big fish… or the small fish… or anything in between, our in-depth Fish Blog section covers everything an avid aquarist needs to know.

Covering all types of aquarium tanks, to cool and interesting ideas for your next fishy endeavor,’s Fish Blog is the perfect spot for experienced and beginner fish enthusiasts alike. We cover the various aspects of fish keeping as a hobby – from simple planted tanks to complex marine environments, as well as aquarium fish and their compatibility with other species. Dive right into the fascinating world of aquariums!

If you are in need for some tips and ideas on decorating your fish tank with beautiful plants, make sure to hop on over to our Aquatic Plants section. In case you have a saltwater tank and want to create a unique environment for its inhabitants, Coral Reefing is definitely an option worth looking into. Reef tanks are not only great for the fish but a magnificent centerpiece for your home as well! Depending on the type of water in your tank, you will also find invaluable advice and how-to guides in our Freshwater and Saltwater blog chapters, or useful reviews of aquarium equipment in our Fish Products section of the blog.

Wondering about adding a new creature into your aquarium? Read up on our aquarium fish species recommendations, or head on over to our Invertebrates blog, to find out how to chose, introduce and care for various marine critters, including species such as crabs, clams, starfish, and much more.

Create a stunning miniature ecosystem in your aquarium.’s Fish blog has all the resources you’ll need to create, decorate and maintain a gorgeous fish tank, as well as guides on choosing and caring for aquarium fish and other aquatic creatures that will inhabit it!

Aquascaping: A Tank of Beauty

A tank can be a place to flex your artistic muscle. If you'd like to set up a stunning aquascape, you'll want to follow these tips to do it right.

Best Fish Food for Aquarium Fish

What do you plan to feed your fish? If you're just starting out with a tank, you'll want to choose the best fish food for aquarium fish.

Are You Feelin’ Crabby?

Are you a tank owner who's always wanted to bring home a crab? If you're ready to jump into the world of crabs, take a pinch of our tested advice.

The Benefits of Hermit Crabs in Your Aquarium

The hermit crab isn't just a pretty shell - this invertebrate likes to clean up after itself. Here's why you should let a hermit crab move into your tank.

The 5 Stimulating Spawning Methods of Fish

The spawning habits of aquarium fish are fascinating. When it comes to reproducing, fish fall into one of these five spawning types.

Get to Work on an Office Aquarium

Bring life into your office with a fish tank. A growing trend in the workplace, aquariums add color, energy, and stress release to a busy day.

Watts Going On With Your Aquarium Lighting?

Aquarium lighting is more than just watts per gallon. When you're setting up lighting for your tank, be sure to keep these important factors in mind.

Taking a Closer Look at Oscars

One of the most popular aquarium fish species is the Oscar. Brilliantly colored and quite smart, there's a lot you didn't know about these tough fish.

Top 5 Low Light Corals for a Beginner Reef Tank

You want to start a coral reef tank, but you're not sure where to start. Here are five types of coral that are great for beginners.

Best Aquarium Power Filters

When you're stocking your aquarium, don't forget about the right filtration for your tank. Here are our picks for the best aquarium power filters.

Best Freeze-Dried Fish Foods

We're going to explore the subject of freeze-dried fish food in greater depth. You'll learn how to choose freeze-dried fish food, how best to feed it, and our top picks.

Best Products to Remove Aquarium Algae

It's completely natural, but it sure does make your tank look gross! Here are the best products to remove aquarium algae.

Cichlids: One Of The World’s Most Fascinating Freshwater Fish Specie

Colorful and plentiful, cichlids are a popular freshwater aquarium fish. If you're looking to add them to your tank, here are a few basics to keep in mind.

Readers’ Picks: Top Seachem Products for Aquariums

Seachem is the most trusted name in the aquarium hobby game, according to PetGuide readers. Here we take a look at the top Seachem products on Amazon.

Why I Think Aquarium Rock Collecting Rocks!

Are you into hard rock? Not the music... the kind you put in your aquarium! Here's what you need to know before adding rocks to your tank.

Top 5 LED Aquarium Lighting Systems

Light up your tank with LED lighting. But which system do you choose? Here are our top five picks for LED aquarium lighting systems.

Top 5 Live Plants to Use in Brackish Aquariums

A mix of salt and freshwater, brackish aquariums present its own set of challenges. Here are a few plants that hold up in this type of tank.

Top 3 Most Popular Types of Aquarium Filters

You know that you need a filter to keep your aquarium clean. Did you know that certain types of tanks need a filter that'll get the job done right?

4 Most Common Mistakes New Aquarium Hobbyists Make

Hey, we all make mistakes. And when it comes to aquariums, there are a few common ones that new hobbyists are bound to make.

Top 5 Freshwater Fish Species for Planted Tanks

Now that you've got your planted tank set up, it's time to stock it with fish. You can't go wrong with these five freshwater fish species.

Top 5 Invertebrates to Hire For Your Freshwater Cleanup Crew

Taking care of your aquarium is hard work - you need to bring in some extra muscle! Here are 5 invertebrates that you want on your freshwater cleanup crew.

Growing and Propagating Your Own Coral

Feel like fragging? If you want to propagate your own coral, you sure do! This cost-effective practice lets you grow your own coral.

The Dish on Discus

Aquariums with discus are visually stunning, but many have stayed away from this fish because of its complicated care. But it's easier than you think!

Best Substrates for Saltwater Tanks

Make your saltwater tank look its glorious best. Decorate your aquarium with the best substrates for saltwater tanks and let it shine!�

Best Cannister Filters for Large Aquariums

To ensure your fish are happy and healthy, water quality needs to be optimal. The best way to do that is with a high-quality canister filter.

Best Aquarium Filters for a Beginner Tank

An aquarium filter is an important part of your tank's water quality. Choosing the right one for your first tank is vital - here's our list of the best aquarium filters for a beginner tank.

6 Easy Hacks to Cure Fish Boredom

Just like any other pet, fish can become bored, too. And while they won't chew up your shoes, keeping them occupied will ensure they live a healthier life.

Best Aquarium Maintenance Supplies

Your tank is perfect - but how do you keep it that way? You need the right aquarium maintenance supplies to keep it looking its best.

Best Aquarium Gravel for Freshwater Tanks

What's at the bottom of your aquarium? If you're looking for substrate, check out our picks for the best aquarium gravel for freshwater tanks.

Top 3 Marine Invertebrates for Beginners

You're getting creative with your tank, and you're thinking about adding invertebrates to the mix. If you're a beginner, start with these marine inverts.

Why You Need The API Master Test Kit

Here's a test you don't have to study for. The API Master Test Kit has everything you need to maintain and monitor aquarium conditions.

Top 3 Substrates to Use in Planted Aquariums

The key to the perfect planted tank is to get the balance between fish and plant needs just right. The solution is finding the ideal type of substrate.

Fish Ponds Let You Take Your Hobby Outside

Revitalize your outdoor living space with a container pond or a small water feature. Easy and inexpensive, your pond will add new life your landscape.

Pet-Sitter Loses Fight for $1M in Damages After Bad Yelp Review

Great news for honest reviews. A Texas pet-sitting company's $1 million lawsuit against clients who gave it a 1-star Yelp review has been thrown out.

Best Aquarium Filter Media

There are parts of your aquarium that work behind the scenes to ensure that it works properly. Here's how to choose the best aquarium filter media for your tank.�

How To Speak Fish: More Than Just Blowing Bubbles

You may not hear it, but your fish have a way of talking to each other. Even though they don't make a sound, their actions speak louder than words!

Why You’ll Want to Add Mystery Snails to Your Aquarium

Mystery snails are a welcome addition to an aquarium. Colorful and community oriented, these crustaceans will clean up after themselves and tank mates.

Above the Water’s Surface: A Guide to Emersed Plant Growth

A different take on planted tanks, emersed plant life gives your aquarium dimension. Let's talk about the ins and outs of emersed aquarium plants.

Best Accessories for a Whimsical Fish Tank

Turn your tank into a wonderful, whimsical fish fantasy land! Here are the best accessories you should use for a whimsical fish tank.

Fish RX: Hikari PraziPro Fights Parasite Infestations

What do you do when your fish get sick? Before or after parasites invade your aquarium, medicate your fish with Hikari PraziPro.

7 Common Types of Algae Found in Freshwater Aquariums

It's not easy being green... or brown... or red. How many different types of freshwater algae are you familiar with and how to you control it?

Best Natural-Looking Aquarium Decorations

When decorating your aquarium, you may want to create a look inspired by nature. We've picked out some of the best natural-looking aquarium decorations.

Best Air Bubbler Aquarium Decorations

Turn your tank into a conversation piece with the right decorations. Here are our picks for the best air bubbler aquarium decorations.

Best Aquarium Testing Supplies

Depending on what kind of fish you're stocking your tank with, you're going to need to test the water to make sure it's just right. Here are the best aquarium testing supplies to help you out.�

Planted Tank Trend: Meet the Bucephelandra

Get on the Bucephelandra bandwagon. The latest trend in aquariums, Buce can turn your tank into colorful oasis and the centerpiece of your home.

Tips and Tricks for Stocking a Community Tank

You've decided to stock your own community tank. But what fish will get along together in your Zen aquarium? Here's what you need to know.

Meet the Snail Assassin: Your Solution to Pest Snails

Got a snail problem you need taken care of? To take care of a snail problem, you need to send in an Assassin Snail, better known as Clea Helena!

5 Common Mistakes Made by Reef Keepers

When you're starting out, the smartest thing to do is learn from others' mistakes. Minimize your reef keeping boo-boos and take some advice from the pros.

Best Aquarium Supplies for Biological Filtration

Balance is the key to a healthy aquarium and filtration plays a major role. That's why you need know about the best aquarium supplies for biological filtration.

What’s Wrong With My Aquarium Plants?

Your aquarium plants aren't thriving; in fact, it looks like they're going to go belly up! Here are some common problems you'll see with aquarium plants.

Ich or White Spot Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

One of the most common diseases affecting aquarium fish, Ich or White Spot Disease is highly contagious. More about the causes, symptoms and treatment.

Exploring The Riparium: A New Kind of Planted Tank

Also known as a �Riverbank Aquarium,� the Riparium is growing in popularity. Let's go over the basics of this new planted tank trend.

Can You Sustain a Planted Tank Without a Filter?

You don't have fish in your aquarium, just plants. That means you don't need a filter, right? Here's why you may want to add a filter to your planted tank.

Coral Reef-Safe Fish Species for Saltwater Tanks

Pairing the right fish with the right coral makes for a vibrant and healthy aquarium. Here's what saltwater fish will enjoy your coral reef tank.

Readers’ Picks: The Best Fish Products on Amazon, According to You

This list isn't at all fishy. We went through the most popular fish-related items bought by our readers on Amazon last year to bring you this rundown.

Cute But Deadly: The Truth About Fish Bowls

They may be compact and stylish, but there's nothing cute about fish bowls. Small space and toxic water conditions are just a few of things wrong with them.

Radiant Reef: A Rainbow of Hard Coral

An underwater, eye-dazzling view! Available in all the colors of the rainbow, hard corals can turn your tank into a brilliant spectrum of wonder.

Best Supplies for a Betta Fish Tank

Known for their bright colors and long, flowing tails, betta fish are a great option if you're looking for a way to break into the aquarium hobby.

Conditioning Your Fish Tank With Seachem Prime

To remove chlorine from tap water so that it's safe for your aquarium, you'll need a prime water conditioner. And Seachem Prime is what the pros recommend.

Top 8 Best Aquarium Plants for Beginners

Welcome to the wonderful world of planted tanks! If you're just getting started, we've made a list of eight aquarium plants that are great for beginners.