General Information

Cat Couture: How Designers Are Grabbing Feline Fashion by the Pussy

Feline fashion designers are pouncing down the catwalk with chic ensembles. And you'd be surprised how many cat fanciers love the trends.

Not-So-Crazy Cat Lady Leaves $300,000 to Her Kitties in Her Will

What would happen to your pets when you pass on? A couple of kitties in the Bronx, New York, won't have to worry because their mama willed them $300,000!

Can All Dogs Swim?

Summer is upon us and that means only one thing- beach time! But what about your pet? Can all dogs swim and should you let your pooch go into the water?

How to Tell If Your Cat Has an Ear Problem

If your cat's been scratching at her ears, she may be trying to tell you something. Watch for these symptoms of ear infections.

Best Probiotics for Cats

Probiotics for cats help maintain healthy gut flora and can support your pet's overall immune system, in addition to helping with a range of other issues.

What Is Megaesophagus in Cats?

A big word and a big problem. What is megaesophagus in cats, what are this disorder's causes and how do you treat it? Read on to find out.

Frozen Cat Revived and Lucky To Live Eight Remaining Lives

A very lucky kitty has turned in one of its nine lives after being frozen, rescued and brought back to life and warmth thanks to the care of an animal hospit…

Australia’s Feral Cats Are The Cause Of Mass Mammal Extinction

The land down under has a serious feral cat problem that’s endangering native species of mammals. Is there any way to control the problem without killi…

Is This the Dream Job of Every Cat Lover? Feline Sanctuary’s Job Ad

The feline loving-couple behind the God's Little People Cat Rescue never dreamed that they'll have over 35,000 applications from more than 83 countries.

You Can’t Unsee This Crazy Wall-to-Wall Cat-Decor House [Video]

Some people want to buy a fixer-upper; others want a house that's perfect. This house is neither... unless you are the ultimate crazy cat person!

First Cloned Cat Celebrates Her 15th Birthday

Copy Cat, the world's first cloned cat, is now 15 years old, and lives happily at in the "kitty barn" at Texas A&M University.

Can Your Cat Be A Vegetarian?

Is taking meat out of your cat’s diet healthy or will vegetable-based food do more harm than good? Most vegetarians and vegans hold to their ethics str…

Why Do Felines Love Cat Trees?

Perching isn't just for the birds. Have you ever noticed how your kitty loves to climb up cat trees? Let's look at why cats love an indoor tree with a view!

Why Do Cats Purr?

If you're happy and you know it, let out a purr! We love that sound - but did you know there's much more behind it - so why do cats purr?

What’s Wrong With Feeding Your Cat Kibble?

Is kibble enough for your kitty? To ensure that your cat is getting all the nutrition she needs, be sure to put the right ingredients in her dinner bowl.

Top 10 Fantastic Etsy Finds for Your Feline

Purring in delight isn't just for cats. These feline finds will delight even the pickiest puss and will definitely make it onto your most wanted list.

Research Suggests Cats May Have Dominant Paw Based on Gender

New research suggests that not only do cats have a preference for their best paw forward, it's different depending on whether the cat is male or female.

How to Make a Cat Poop When Constipated

When your cat's all bunged up, what do you do to unplug the blockage? Here's how to make a cat poop when constipated.

London’s Postal Museum Seeking Picture Perfect Postal Pussy Cats

Used as mice catchers back in the day, England’s Postal Museum is paying homage to that tradition, and is looking for official poster kittehs. Cats as…

Best Laser Toys

When you think of the different types of cat toys that are available, you might think of laser pointers that make kitties super excited to play and catch the red dot. But what are some of the things to think about before you buy one of these toys? And what are some of the best options out there when it comes to laser toys for cats? We’ve got you covered with some helpful information below, along with a list of some of the many products out there that we think are worth looking into when you start shopping for your pet.

Gen Y Dogma – Compromising Pet Parenting Styles

Raising a dog in a two-parent household, you need to come to some agreement on what style pet parenting you’re going to employ. If you don’t work…

Best Accessories for a Whimsical Fish Tank

Turn your tank into a wonderful, whimsical fish fantasy land! Here are the best accessories you should use for a whimsical fish tank.

How to Care for Stray Cats

While we may not be able to adopt stray cats, there are many things we can do to make sure they are taken care of while they live outdoors.

7 Annoying People Peeves Your Dog Hates (But Can’t Tell You To Stop)

Humans have pet peeves; dogs have people peeves. You may not know it, but there are certain annoying things you do that your dog can't stand. Quit it!

Kitten Album Covers Proves That Cats Rock!

Cats want to rock all night, and meow the rest of the day! We are raising our paws in the air like we just don't care for this kitten album cover art.

Is It Normal for Cats to Snore?

It's not unusual of hearing about dogs who like to cut logs while they get their beauty sleep. But what about cats - is it normal for kitties to snore?

My Cat Bites! How Do I Stop Her From Biting Me?

Do you have a rambunctious kitty who often mistakes your hands and fingers for chew toys? Cat bites can be painful - here's what to do about the problem.

Why Do Cats Hate Water?

They just don't mix - put the two together and it may not end well. But why do cats hate water so much? We have a few theories that may clear things up.

TNR: What is It And How Does It Help Feral Cats?

What can we do to help the lives of stray cats? Trap, neuter, release (TNR): A program designed to reduce the number of feral cats living on the streets.

Should You Change Your Cat’s Food?

Your cat seems to be ignoring his regular meal – is it a sign that you should change his food? Here’s what you need to know before making the swi…

Wise Cat Explains The Super Bowl In Latest “Dear Kitten” Episode [

Have you ever watched any of the “ Dear Kitten” videos on YouTube? Sponsored by Friskies and voiced by Internet sensation ze frank (of Sad Cat Di…

Suck It Up: Python No Spill Clean and Fill Aquarium Maintenance System

Sucking up dirty water from your tank and filling it up with clean H2O can be time consuming. Let the Python Aquarium Maintenance System do the job for you!

What Causes PH Changes and How to Fix Them

What's the chemistry like between your aquarium fish and the water they swim in? Keeping the pH of your tank water is a vital element to healthy fish.

Why Do Dogs Eat Sticks?

Dogs will put just about anything in their mouth- but sometimes there's a reason for it. Here's why dogs eat sticks- and is it safe to let them do it.

How to Protect Your Dog From Hawks and Other Birds of Prey

If you have a small dog, you keep your eye out for danger - and you know it could swoop down and grab your tiny pooch!

Best Wall Perches for Cats

You’ve heard of window perches for cats, but have you thought about wall perches? These will mount securely to a wall in your home, giving your furry friend another place to call her own.

What You Need to Know About Feline Anemia

Just like the human affliction, feline anemia needs to be treated by a veterinarian. Look for these symptoms if you think your cat suffers from anemia.

Best Sponge Filters for Aquariums

Sponge filters provide mechanical filtration and, over time, may provide biological filtration as well.

What Is FIV In Cats?

A virus that attacks a feline's immune system, FIV in cats is a disease that can easily be transmitted to your kitty. Here's what you need to know.

Cat Helps Golfers “Paw” Their Way Into The Hole [Video]

Look out Tiger! There’s a new cat in town–and he likes to lend a helping paw to the local golfers! There’s a new way for golfers to lower t…

Living the Full-Time RV Life With Cats

Have cat, will travel. Imagine living full-time on the road in an RV with your cats. We talked to a couple that's taking their kitties on a wonderful adventure.

How to Set Up the Perfect Environment for Foster Kittens

You've decided to open your home to kittens in need. Make sure they feel welcome by creating the perfect environment for them to thrive.

Top 12 Cat Halloween Costumes to Hiss At

Cats and Halloween go together... but have you ever dressed your kitty in a costume? Try on one of these cat Halloween costumes - if your cat will let you!

Paralysis in Cats: Causes and Treatments

Paralysis is defined as the loss of feeling and muscle movement anywhere in the body. Cats can be diagnosed with partial or complete paralysis.

Study: Cats Don’t Cause Mental Health Issues

According to research, a common parasite carried by cats and left in litter boxes isn't responsible for causing mental health issues in unborn children.

Cats Break The Internet With Kittenish – A Book Of Naked Selfies!

Kim Kardashian has nothing on these adorable (and self-absorbed) cats – and this new coffee book of cat selfies is going to prove it! Do you ever wonde…

Meet Willow, an Aussie Cat Living Her Best Van Life

After selling everything he owns, Willow's dad remodeled a van into a tiny home on wheels. Since then, the duo has been traveling all around Australia.

There's a Herd of Cute Cats Living Large in Disneyland

The resident cats, and there is around 200 of them, keep the theme park free of rodents, and get proper care and food in return.

Feral Cats Chase Rats in Urban Areas to Earn Their Keep

Feral cats' instinctive prey skills are being put to use in new programs that use them to help urban areas rid themselves of rat problems.

How to Bond With Your New Kitten

It's more than love at first sight. Start off your relationship purr-fectly by doing all the right things to bond with your kitten.

Day 5: Bidding You A Furry Farewell

Oscar has been on the job as Petditor for a week, but all good things must come to an end. Here's what trouble he got into during his last day at PetGuide.

Top 5 Fall Deals Your Pet Will Flip For

Fall is here, and with it, the deals on great pet products start coming in. It’s an awesome cycle–leaves fall, prices drop and our pets rake in the benefits. Here are the top five deals for pets we’ve found.

Ebb and Grow: Growing and Controlling Algae in Your Aquarium

It doesn't take much for algae to become a problem in your fish tank. There are many reasons why it grows and there are a few ways to keep it under control.

How To Relax A Stressed Cat

Cats can get stressed out - ensure that your laid-back kitty keeps purring. Here are the signs to watch for and what you can do about it.

Top 10 Largest Domestic Cat Breeds

Bigger is better... when it comes to cats, that is. If you want a big kitty, check out our list of top 10 largest domestic cat breeds.

Dog Mom Musings: The “Buzz” On How To Know If You’re A Pet Paren

I'd like to share a little story about what it means to be a Dog Mom, and how you know you definitely are one.

Top 10 Best Cat Condos

A kitty needs a condo to call her own. Great for climbing, sleeping and playing on, here are our picks for the top 10 best cat condos.�

Samsung’s New TV Boxes Turn Into Cat Houses

Talk about resourceful packaging! Samsung Electronics’s award-winning efforts to move toward sustainable and reusable packing have delighted millions o…

Can You Sustain a Planted Tank Without a Filter?

You don't have fish in your aquarium, just plants. That means you don't need a filter, right? Here's why you may want to add a filter to your planted tank.

Why Do Cats Hiss?

We instinctively back away when we hear a cat hissing. But why do cats hiss and how should you react when your feline makes this sound?