First Ever DNA Test for Cats Hopes to Prevent Health Issues in Felines

Basepaws, a genetic startup from California, became the first company to offer DNA testing kits for cats. Their goal? Making feline lives better.

What Is Feline Whisker Fatigue?

Who knew that whiskers could get so tired? It's true, and whisker fatigue could be causing your cat some serious stress around mealtimes.

How To Discipline A Cat (Without Losing Your Mind!)

We know it's hard to believe, but cats can misbehave on occasion (What?!). It's true - here's how to discipline a cat and help you break bad kitty habits.

Costumed Kitties Pay Homage to Taylor Swift and Sparks Fly!

Meet Fan Girl Jessica, who dresses her cat up to match Taylor Swift in honor of her new album, "Reputation," being released in November!

What You Should Know About Heartworm in Cats

When the mosquitos wake up from their winter sleep, it signals the start of when you need to prepare for heartworm in cats.

Researchers Discover Virus Related To Hepatitis B In Cats

Researchers have found hepadnavirus in cats, and say that the virus, which belongs in the hepatitis B family, can help learn more about hepatitis in humans.

Top 5 Reasons To Raise An Indoor Cat

Do you know what's waiting for your kitty outside? The best way to keep your kitty safe is to raise him as an indoor cat - here are just a few reasons why.

10 Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Decisions

There are two types of cats: the couldn't-care-less kind and the adventurous goofball. For your entertainment, here are some belonging to the latter.

Best Cat Pheromone Diffusers

Does your cat have behavioral issues you can't curb with training. We've found the best cat pheromone diffusers to help you out with the problem.�

How To Calm A Hyper Kitten

Where does all the energy come from?!? They sure are cute, but how do you dial down a hyper kitten? Try these Zen-inspired tips to calm your kitty.

Best Cat Food Storage Containers

Once you open your bag of kitty kibble, where do you store it? If you're looking for a solution, we've got our list of the best cat food storage containers.�

6 Smart Tips for Finding a Lost Cat

Cats don't come with built-in GPS and will sometimes wander away from home. Use these tips for finding a lost cat to help ensure a happy ending.

Why Do Felines Love Cat Trees?

Perching isn't just for the birds. Have you ever noticed how your kitty loves to climb up cat trees? Let's look at why cats love an indoor tree with a view!

Tell-Tale Signs Your Cat May Be in Pain

Because they don't speak human, cats can't tell us they're feeling discomfort. That's why we need to watch for these signs and symptoms of pain in cats.

Could Your Cat’s Purring Have Healing Effects on You?

A cat's purr can melt the coldest heart. Did you know that your kitty's purring can be good for your health... and your feline's health?

How a Cat Exercise Wheel Can Fight Obesity

It's not like you can take your cat for a jog! If your kitty has a few pounds to work off, consider a cat exercise wheel.

Can Your Cat Be A Vegetarian?

Is taking meat out of your cat’s diet healthy or will vegetable-based food do more harm than good? Most vegetarians and vegans hold to their ethics str…

Study: Feline Hyperthyroidism May Linked To Carpet and Furniture Chemi

New research about the chemicals that are found in carpeting and certain upholsteries suggests that your cat’s thyroid may be in danger. Dr. Miaomiao…

Study: Cats Aren’t As Concerned With Rats As We Thought They Were

A new study suggests that our favorite feline mousers may be slacking on the job, and have tricked us all into thinking that mice don’t play when the…

Show Off Cat Lady Pride With Feline-Themed Embroidery Patterns

The feline-tastic book that will make your summer contains hundreds of cat motifs and easy-to-follow instructions on how to stitch them yourself.

3 Awesome Reasons For Fostering Cats

Have you ever thought of fostering cats? There are so many reasons to do it and so many kitties out there in need. Here are our 3 favorite reasons!

Japanese Officials Look Into Spay and Neuter Options for Island Overru

Officials say that small island in Japan is overrun by cats, and recommend that all cats on the island be spayed and/or neutered.

Our First Cat-Only Contest – The SmartyKat® Feather Whirl

To prove that we love cats just as much as dogs, we’re giving felines their own contest. From now until December 9, your kitty can win a SmartyKat®…

Fix Felines by Five: Preventing Whoops Litters

How do you stop "oops litters" from happening? You get your cat spayed or neutered sooner - that's what Feline Fix by Five Months program is all about.

Top 10 Cool Facts About Cats You Didn’t Know

Think you know all there is to know about felines? We bet a few of these top 10 cool facts about cats are news to you! Purrfect for kitty trivia nights!

Cat Incredible Kitty Litter Helps Fund Mobile Spay & Neuter Clini

This one's for all our feline friends, from Lucy Pet Products. Cats Incredible gets rid of odor and ammonia and helps fund a mobile spay and neuter clinic.

Who Knew? Abu Dhabi Has Its Very Own “Cat Island”

An island full of cats... Yes, please! This might just be our next vacation destination. And they need our help to keep the inhabitants happy and healthy.

Keeping Your Cat Safe at Christmas

The holidays are full of fun and cheer for people, but they can also pose some hazards for cats.

How to Kitten Proof Your Home

Kittens get into everything - they're curious, playful and can't help themselves! Get down to their level and kitten proof your home!

Cats Run Japanese IT Offices Like The Bosses They Are

If you thought it was cool to have 'dog-friendly' offices, a small IT firm in Japan has one-upped that concept -- an office where nine cats live and roam.

Do Cats Prefer More Nutritious Foods?

The more nutritious the food, the more satisfied the cat! For a well fed and happy kitty, choose more nutritious meals at mealtime.

How To Choose A Reputable Cat Breeder

Finding the right cat breeder takes time and research, but the effort is well worth it! Here are a few tips on finding a reputable cat breeder.

Grumpy Cat Perks Up After Winning $710,000 in Court Case

Grumpy Cat is best known for her mean mugging, but if ever she’d smile, it’s because she just been awarded over $700,000 in a lawsuit claiming he…

DIY Gingerbread House for Cats is Too Tempting to Resist [Video]

Cats aren't known for being gentle with Christmas trees. Perhaps you can build your kitties a paw-some DIY gingerbread house like this one!

‘Feline Five’ Study Reveals Cats Have Personality Types

A team of researchers from Australia conducted a study on feline behavior and managed to determine five types of personalities. Find out what they are!

How to Keep Your Cat Safe When Traveling by Car

Have cat, will travel. It’s a lot easier to travel with your cat by car. Make sure the journey is a safe one with these cat-friendly car tips. Are you…

Petlinks Meowy Catmas Photo Contest

Deck the halls with jolly, captivating cat toys! Enter to win one of three Petlinks Cat-themed Gift Baskets for your fa-la-la-la feline!

Couple Recreates Epic Movie Scenes With Their Cat

Have you watched a movie and thought, "This would be soo much better with a cat?" One couple answers that question with hilarious movie scene recreations!

5 Easy Tips to Discourage Cats From Jumping on Counters

When it comes to curtailing our curious cats, we need to take a look at not only how we can stop them but also at why they’re doing it in the first place.

Could This Be the Secret to Why Cats Knock Stuff Over?

A feline researcher revealed the reason why cats have the strong urge to knock over your belongings- and it makes perfect sense.

How To Train A Cat To Walk On A Leash

Did you know that dogs aren't the only pets that like to take a stroll with their humans? We're going to teach you how to train a cat to walk on a leash!

A Shared Congenital Disorder Brings Together a Boy and a Kitten

The reasons why people choose their pets are diverse, but, in Waylon's case, it was his rare medical condition that led him to his furrever family.

How to Care for an Orphaned Kitten

When you find a kitten that's been abandoned, you instinctively want to care for it. Here's what you should do if you find a stray kitten.

Former Shelter Cat Has New Owner Climbing Up Cliffs!

Who needs a bucket list when your life is an adventure? One rock-climbing, former shelter cat proves that the furriest of creatures can live life large!

Gift Guide: Best Christmas Gifts for Cats

Wish Feliz Navidad to your feline friend with one of these Christmas gifts for cats- any one of them is bound to get them into festive mood.

Top 10 Self-Cleaning Kitty Litter Boxes

Want to make poop scooping business as hands-free as possible? Check out our list of top 10 self-cleaning kitty litter boxes to find a type that will suit you and your feline friend.

Meet Willow, an Aussie Cat Living Her Best Van Life

After selling everything he owns, Willow's dad remodeled a van into a tiny home on wheels. Since then, the duo has been traveling all around Australia.

Get Book Smart With Brain Games for Cats

Learn fun ways interact with your cat and teach him some cool tricks. "Brain Games for Cats" offers plenty of games that will shape your cat's behavior.

Kittens And Cocktails: Pairing 2 Awesome Essentials For 2 Great Causes

Don your top hat and tails for a great cause! Oakland's Cat Town Cafe celebrates Adopt-A Cat Month with special fundraising event and cat swag giveaway.

Planned Parenthood Uses Pussycats For New Sex Education Videos [Video]

A series of sex-ed videos from Planned Parenthood are using the cutest, furriest pussies they could find to educate viewers on certain body parts.

How to Train Your Cat to Sit in a Stroller

There are many benefits to taking your cat outside in a stroller. Your pet can enjoy the sunshine, take in the fresh air and interesting smells, and see some wildlife—and you won’t have to worry about her running off.

What to Buy Before Adopting a Cat

You've decided to go to your local shelter and adopt a kitty - congratulations! Before bringing your new addition home, here's what you need to buy.

Cat Bread is the Best Thing Since Sliced Bread!

A bakery in Japan has gone to the cats--they've baked up a new bread that will have all the kittehs (and kitteh lovahs) saying, "Mmmmm...meow!"

Why Food Matters So Much to Finicky Felines

Does your cat stick her nose in the air when you present her daily vitals? There's a reason why so many people think that felines are finicky!

What To Do If Your Cat Has Separation Anxiety

Sure, cats may seem cool and aloof, but there are some that hate to be left alone. Here are a few tips on what to do if your cat has separation anxiety.

Napping Grandpa Raised $30,000 for a Cat Sanctuary By Snoozing With Ki

If you were wondering what the term ’power (cat)nap’ means, let this feline-loving senior enlighten you. Earlier this month, a job ad went viral as…

Meowijuana Takes Catnip Connoisseurs to a New High

We know cats occasionally like to partake in a little catnip. We love the take that a new company, called Meowijuana, puts on their mellow catnip products.

Studies Show Dry Food Linked to Feline Diabetes

A diet may not be the answer. A new study out of Sweden found that normal-weight cats fed a diet of dry food had an increased risk of Type 2 Diabetes.

Nanny Rats and Orphaned Cats Break Ages-Old Stereotypes

A New York cat rescue is breaking species stereotypes by 'employing' the most unlikely of nannies for their tiniest kittens.

Should You Get a Kitten for Your Senior Cat?

If you have a senior cat who seems bored or lonely, you might be thinking about adopting a kitten to give them a feline companion. But is this a good idea?