Frozen Cat Revived and Lucky To Live Eight Remaining Lives

A very lucky kitty has turned in one of its nine lives after being frozen, rescued and brought back to life and warmth thanks to the care of an animal hospit…

Oscar Takes Over The PetGuide Office!

It's a cuddly coup! In honor of "Take Your Pet To Work Week," Oscar is taking over my duties at PetGuide as our new Petditor.

Scammer Shaves Regular Cats, Upsells as Rare Hairless Breed

A new Canadian scam involves selling 'hairless' kittens as Sphynx, but these kitties are actually common cats who have been shaved to the skin.

One Man’s Brave Quest to Ensure No Poo is Left Behind

In an effort to save shoes nationwide, Chad Logan is going cross country to spread the word. He wants you to scoop and pick up your dog's poop!

There's a Herd of Cute Cats Living Large in Disneyland

The resident cats, and there is around 200 of them, keep the theme park free of rodents, and get proper care and food in return.

Understanding the Basics of Freshwater Aquarium Lighting

The right lights make all the difference to your freshwater aquarium. Offering much more than just illumination, aquarium lighting helps feed your plants.

4 Ways You’re Annoying Your Cat

It's not a smart idea to piss off a pet that has no problem showing you her claws! Here are four ways you're annoying your cat.

6 Most Common Freshwater Fish Diseases

Just like any other pet, fish are susceptible to illness. If you have a tank, be on the lookout for these six common freshwater diseases.

Aquarium LED Review: Finnex Planted+ 24/7

For perfect lighting, no matter what time of day, the Finnex Planted+ 24/7 LED fixture offers a hands-free simulated sunrise and sunset effect.

Don’t Clam Up: Open Your Tank to Clams

Clams could truly be the treasures of your saltwater aquarium. Available in a wide array of colors and sizes, clams can be the centerpiece of your tank.

Cat Diseases: Two Infectious Illnesses You Should Know About

The more you know about potential dangerous cat diseases, the better able you'll be to treat and care for your feline. You may have heard of FIV and FeLV.

First Ever DNA Test for Cats Hopes to Prevent Health Issues in Felines

Basepaws, a genetic startup from California, became the first company to offer DNA testing kits for cats. Their goal? Making feline lives better.

Cat Not Using Litter Box? These Tips May Clear The Air

What's that smell? What's that mess? Looks like your kitty's bathroom is out of order. Cat not using litter box? Check to see if it's one of these problems.

How to Tell If Your Dog Will Like Cats

Fighting like cats and dogs - is it really true? Some dogs and cats get along great together... but how can you tell if your dog will like cats?

Max the Cat Does What He Wants and Keeps Sneaking Into Library

If you've wondered how to get librarians in a tizzy, you can ask Max the Cat. He's been sneaking into a local library and has staff throwing a hiss-y fit!

This Cat Library Is A Novel Approach To The Mewey Decimal System

What a brilliant way to promote adoptable animals and get more people to read books - it's a cat library! Now all they need is a Starbucks...

6 Tips On Living With Cat Allergies

If your eyes are itching and you can't stop sneezing, these could be the signs of cat allergies. We've got some tips that will help keep them under control!

The 5 Stimulating Spawning Methods of Fish

The spawning habits of aquarium fish are fascinating. When it comes to reproducing, fish fall into one of these five spawning types.

How To Introduce A New Cat To Your Feline Family

Meet the new kitty! Tips for ensuring all your cats get along right from the start Although it might be easy to adopt a couple of kittens at the same time an…

Cat Couture: How Designers Are Grabbing Feline Fashion by the Pussy

Feline fashion designers are pouncing down the catwalk with chic ensembles. And you'd be surprised how many cat fanciers love the trends.

Finding Dory: The True Tail Behind the Regal Tang Fish

Thanks to Hollywood, the new must-have fish to have is the Regal Tang. But this isn't a fish for the faint hearted - are you up to the challenge?

Fix Felines by Five: Preventing Whoops Litters

How do you stop "oops litters" from happening? You get your cat spayed or neutered sooner - that's what Feline Fix by Five Months program is all about.

How to Introduce Your Cat to a New Dog

Fighting like cats and dogs - an old cliché that doesn't have to hold true. Here's how cats and dogs can become the best of friends.

The Basics About Cleft Palate in Cats

Cats can be born with cleft palates. But even with this birth defect, cats with cleft palates can live happy, normal lives.

Taylor Swift’s Cats Help Her Bide Time as Her New Album Rolls Out

T-Swift's new album Reputation just dropped, but seems like she and her pretty kitties just had to let the cat out of the bag a teensy bit early.

Fun Facts About Cat Hairballs

Cat hairballs aren't just gross - they can be dangerous to your kitty. It's gross, but let's go over some need-to-know info for cat hairballs.

ASPCA Partners With Maddie’s Fund to Support the “Million Cat Chal

It may be a big number, but saving the lives of one million cats is possible - and you can help. The ASPCA has a plan that will save lives!

Are Pitbulls Dangerous: Sorting Out The Facts From Myths

Pitbulls have got lots of bad press in the past. With all the hype surrounding this breed, how do you sort facts from the myths - are Pitbulls dangerous?

Lime Crime’s Kitty Bundles Lipstick is Purr-fection!

Lime Crime's purrrrfect new product line, Kitty Bundles, might be made for humans, but proceeds from this lipstick go to support cats in need!

Pros And Cons Of Raising Littermates

The more, the merrier... right? Well, that's not always the case. There are positives and negatives of bringing home littermates - let's go over a few.

Cats And Car Rides: How To Get Them To Mix

Cats are skittish creatures of habit who prefer to stay on solid ground rather than a moving car. Is your kitty equipped for your next road trip?

Review: Feline Yogi’s Yoga Mat Toy

Namaste, kitty. Official tester cat Boris strikes a pose (NOT downward dog, of course) on the Feline Yogi's Yoga Mat Toy. What does he think of it?

Weighty Facts About Feline Obesity

A growing (pun not intended) problem, feline obesity is becoming a worrying trend. If your cat is obese, here's what you can do to reverse the damage.

This Charming Tabby Relieves People’s Flying Stress With Snuggles

At Calgary International Airport, no one is stressed because of delayed flights or long lines. And it's all thanks to a friendly tabby cat.

Our Picks for the Best Organic Cat Foods

Your kitty sticks her nose up at her bowl - what's a pet parent to do? If you're looking for quality, we've picked the best organic cat foods.�

Yoga and Cats: The Benefits of Asana With Kitties

While you're doing the downward dog pose, does your cat ever join you? Here's why you should let your kitty join you for yoga.

Keeping Up With the Kattarshians Spoofs the Catty Reality TV Show

What do you get when you cross Big Brother with a bunch of kittens? It's Keeping Up With the Kattarshians, a 24/7 reality show that profiles adoptable cats.

Hissing Tips on How to Stop Cats From Fighting

If your kitties don't see eye to eye, do you know what to do to stop cats from fighting? Try these harmonious tips for a peaceful household.

Why Do Dogs Eat Sticks?

Dogs will put just about anything in their mouth- but sometimes there's a reason for it. Here's why dogs eat sticks- and is it safe to let them do it.

Best Cat Products That’ll Keep Your Kitty Occupied For Hours

With so many products on the market designed to keep your cat happy, you can rest assured that your friend will never get bored, even when you aren't home.

Cat Steals the Show By Jumping on Owner’s Head During Live TV Interv

A charming ginger cat became an internet celebrity when she climbed on her owner's shoulder during his interview- live on national television.

Siberian Crazy Cat Farm Boasts a Million Feline Residents

Not sure what to get your crazy cat neighbor for the holidays? How about a trip to "Catland," a farm in Siberia that about million cats call home!

UK Parliament Seeks Pussies to Help Get Rid of Rodents

When the cat's away, the mice shall play. Seems true in the UK, where members of parliament are begging for cats to take care of a mouse infestation.

4 of the Most Popular Cat Cafés in the World

Feel like drinking coffee with a cat on your lap, and you're a jetsetter? Be sure to visit these cat cafes if you're ever in these cities.

Top 10 Clever Cat Costumes

While it may be difficult to convince your kitty to get into one of these getups, you'll reap the rewards once they strut their stuff on Halloween.

Cat Vomiting Bile: A Cause for Concern?

It's gross, but is it a cause for concern? When your cat vomits bile, you need to know what it means and what you should do.

Best Foreground Plants to Use in a Planted Tank

Much thought and planning goes into a vibrant, practical planted tank. Learn how to properly arrange your plants and which ones are best for the foreground.

Best Cat Spinning Toys

There are a lot of innovative pet toys on the market to help you keep your cat active, happy, and healthy. Spinning toys are popular because they are a type of electronic toy that is so simple, yet cats love them. To help you find the right spinning toy for your feline companion, we’ve compiled some helpful tips below, along with a list of 10 toys that we think are worth checking out when you’re ready to shop.

Futuristic Footlose Litter Box Scoops the Poop and Monitors Your Cat

In addition to scooping the cat poop for you, this next-gen litter box also monitors your felines health and alerts you if anythings amiss.

Police Kittehs Rule The Roost In New Zealand Police Departments [Video

It's not unusual to see working dogs around a police station, but in some New Zealand police departments, the cat's been let out of the bag!

Kitten Season is in Full Swing, and That’s Bad News for Shelters

Petco reveals stunning results about the Kitten Season burden on local animal shelters and their initiative to encourage pet adoption.

6 Warning Signs Of Feline Heart Disease

You love your cat with all of your heart. That's why you want to ensure her heart is healthy. Keep an eye out for these common signs of feline heart disease

What Is Flea Allergy Dermatitis in Cats?

Whether your cat is indoors or outdoors, fleas can become a huge problem. And Flea Allergy Dermatitis is just one of the issues that you'll need to watch for.

Help PawsLikeMe Find Homes For Rescued Cats

PawsLikeMe, the match-making website that pairs people with adoptable dogs, needs your help to introduce cats into the mix.

Best Hairball Control Products for Cats

EWWWWWW, gross - a hairball! Don't you wish you could get rid of them? If you're sick of them, try one of these best hairball control products for cats.

Best Fish Food for Algae Eaters

Finding the perfect combination of aquarium inhabitants is an art. You want to find species that are compatible with each other in terms of size and color, but you also have to think about aggression and diet as well. Once you’ve established the ideal balance, it can be challenging to add a new inhabitant to the tank. If you’re struggling to control problem algae, however, adding a new species could be your best option. Bristlenose Plecostomus, oto cats, and other algae eaters are a natural and long-term solution for problem algae, but they require care of their own.

Memories Of Pets Who Have Crossed The Rainbow Bridge Live On, Online

In honor of World Pet Memorial Day, gives grieving pet parents an online opportunity to memorialize their beloved pet. Our pets are our friends…

10 Cats Who Immediately Regretted Their Decisions

There are two types of cats: the couldn't-care-less kind and the adventurous goofball. For your entertainment, here are some belonging to the latter.

Best Cat Sofas

When it comes to giving your cat her own spot to sleep in, you have a few options, from regular plush beds and heated beds to hammocks, covered beds, and little hideaways with cushions inside them. But did you know that you could even buy little sofas that are made for cats? And you can find a wide range of sizes and styles, including those that work well in the great outdoors if your cat likes to spend time with you in the backyard?

Researchers Developed A Cat Brush That Looks and Works Like a Feline T

After analyzing the unique structure of the feline tongue, scientists used it as an inspiration to create a revolutionary hair brush for cats.