Responsible Pet Ownership: Beyond the Basics

Mike Bober, the President and CEO of PIJAC, shares his thoughts on why responsible pet ownership begins before you get a pet.

Big Bang Therapy: How To Keep Your Dog Calm During Fireworks

Dogs and fireworks often don't mix, and the results can be disastrous. Here are some tips on dealing with the festive fallout on the fourth of July.

Stress-Free Tips for Keeping Your Christmas Tree Safe From Your Dog

You've decorated the Christmas Tree and it looks fabulous... that is, until your dog spots it! Make sure your tree survives the holidays with these tips.

Ask the Hairy Dogfathers: Poetic Poop

What's a bard to do when her kids won't pick up the dog's poo? The Hairy Dogfathers put feather-quilled pen to paper in order to offer some refined advice.