2017 CatCon Tickets Now On Sale

Crazy about cats? You won't want to miss this year's CatCon, the trendy convention that's all about cats. It's the best place to get your hairball on!

Costumed Kitties Pay Homage to Taylor Swift and Sparks Fly!

Meet Fan Girl Jessica, who dresses her cat up to match Taylor Swift in honor of her new album, "Reputation," being released in November!

What Is Stomatitis in Cats?

Your cat may not be happy because she has stomatitis - a type of dental disease. But what is stomatitis and how does it stop your cat from smiling?

A Short Guide To Common Parasites In Cats

Both external and internal parasites can affect a cat of any age, and can cause issues. Here's our list of just a few of the many common parasites in cats.

Kitten Album Covers Proves That Cats Rock!

Cats want to rock all night, and meow the rest of the day! We are raising our paws in the air like we just don't care for this kitten album cover art.

Fun Facts About Cat Hairballs

Cat hairballs aren't just gross - they can be dangerous to your kitty. It's gross, but let's go over some need-to-know info for cat hairballs.

Declawing Cats: A Cruel and Unnecessary Procedure

Is declawing cats a humane procedure, or should you just stick with regularly trimming your cat's claws, and providing scratching posts around the house?

How To Discipline A Cat (Without Losing Your Mind!)

We know it's hard to believe, but cats can misbehave on occasion (What?!). It's true - here's how to discipline a cat and help you break bad kitty habits.

Best Vet Recommended Cat Food

Vet recommended cat food comes with the backing of experts which can give you peace of mind about the quality of food you serve to your pet.

Oldest Cat In The United Kingdom Hits The Big Three-Oh!

For many, turning 30 is a milestone, but for a cat in the United Kingdom? It’s remarkable! In Exeter, England, a Maine Coon cat named Rubble just celeb…

Cat Not Using Litter Box? These Tips May Clear The Air

What's that smell? What's that mess? Looks like your kitty's bathroom is out of order. Cat not using litter box? Check to see if it's one of these problems.

Cat-Napping On The Rise In The United Kingdom

Newly released figures show that cat thievery is alive and well in the UK, with a rise of 40 percent in the number of stolen cats reported.

Ready to Foster Cats? Here’s Some Advice From a Pro

If you're ready to take the plunge and become a foster kitty mom, these amazing tips from a seasoned pro will help you out.

Man Fakes Death, Cat Overcome by Mehs [Videos]

Most cats seem to have no f#$%s to give when it comes to emotion for their humans. But one man set out to prove that his death wouldn't bother his cat.

Researchers Developed A Cat Brush That Looks and Works Like a Feline T

After analyzing the unique structure of the feline tongue, scientists used it as an inspiration to create a revolutionary hair brush for cats.

How to Help a Semi-Feral Cat Get Used to Life Indoors

Stray cats aren't an uncommon sight. If you're thinking about asking one to move in, here are some tips on how to help make the transition easier.

Experts Say Canine Influenza Has Spread to Infect Cats

It's made the jump! Despite the virus being called canine influenza, experts have confirmed the virus has also been found in a group of felines.

Cat Bag Carrier Doubles as ‘Snuggie’ For Cats

It's been said that letting the cat out of the bag isn't a good thing, but a kitty carrier that's like a Snuggie might have your puss saying otherwise!

Cat-Tastic Memo Pads Gets Two Paws Up

These adorable cat-inspired memo pads double as sticky notes and coloring pages. Now those boring work meeting don't seem that bad!

The Most Cat-ified Cat Video You’ve EVER Seen [Video]

What happens when you take a cat video, fill it up with cat graphics... and then throw more cats into the mix? You get cattiest cat video we have ever seen!

Hilarious Police Account Of Cat Stuck In Tree Goes Viral

If you've ever owned a cat, particularly one who has a penchant for climbing trees, the police account from a town in Maine will have you in stitches.

Top 10 Friendliest Cat Breeds

Cats are lovable pets - just ask a cat lover! If you want a friend for life, check out our list of the top 10 friendliest cat breeds.

Do Cats Dream of Chasing Mice and Balls of Yarn?

When they close their eyes for some rest, do cats dream? Visions of bottomless bowls of milk, field of mice and scratching posts dance in their heads!

Best Cat Ball Toys

Cats can go bouncy for balls! If your feline can't get enough of them, here is our list of the best cat ball toys.

Is My Cat Overweight?

These days cats are more often chunky and chubby than elegant and slender, but how exactly do you know if your cat is overweight and not just adorably well-padded? These are the signs of obesity in cats.

Natural Remedies for Feline Arthritis

Relieve your cat’s arthritis the natural way with these holistic remedies. Because cats love to jump and run – sometimes even for no apparent rea…

Top 5 Reasons To Raise An Indoor Cat

Do you know what's waiting for your kitty outside? The best way to keep your kitty safe is to raise him as an indoor cat - here are just a few reasons why.

Say Cheese! Experts Say Your Cat Can Smile at You

If you're a cat owner, you've probably noticed your feline friend doing all sorts of cute and quirky things. From chasing their tail to “ making biscuits”, cats are full of surprises. But did you know that your cat can also smile at you?

First Kitten On The Force Raises Right Paw For Swear-In

The cutest new crimefighter ever was just sworn in at the Troy, Michigan Police Department, becoming the first cat to join the force.

Give Your Furball A Curfew With Hi-Tech Pet Door

The primary function remains the same- keeping furry intruders out- but the improved smart door flap has a few cool new features that are worth the upgrade.

Is This the Dream Job of Every Cat Lover? Feline Sanctuary’s Job Ad

The feline loving-couple behind the God's Little People Cat Rescue never dreamed that they'll have over 35,000 applications from more than 83 countries.

Top 10 Self-Cleaning Kitty Litter Boxes

Want to make poop scooping business as hands-free as possible? Check out our list of top 10 self-cleaning kitty litter boxes to find a type that will suit you and your feline friend.

Best Cat Spinning Toys

There are a lot of innovative pet toys on the market to help you keep your cat active, happy, and healthy. Spinning toys are popular because they are a type of electronic toy that is so simple, yet cats love them. To help you find the right spinning toy for your feline companion, we’ve compiled some helpful tips below, along with a list of 10 toys that we think are worth checking out when you’re ready to shop.

Who Knew? Abu Dhabi Has Its Very Own “Cat Island”

An island full of cats... Yes, please! This might just be our next vacation destination. And they need our help to keep the inhabitants happy and healthy.

What You Need to Know About Feline Anemia

Just like the human affliction, feline anemia needs to be treated by a veterinarian. Look for these symptoms if you think your cat suffers from anemia.

Best Cat Blankets

If you’re a cat parent, you already know how much kitties love snuggling into a warm blanket. Most cats of all ages will gladly spend time on or under a blanket for warmth, security, and comfort. That’s why there are a lot of cat blankets available these days. These products are designed for pet parents who want to give their feline companions their own soft blanket to use daily. And they can be a great way to enrich your pet’s environment while keeping your furniture in good condition.

Fresh Water Always Blooms From CatIt Flower Fountain

Let it flow with fresh water! CatIt's Flower Fountain is the best way to ensure your cat always has a clean source of water.

5 Cat Hacks to Understand and Treat Cat Hairballs

The sound, the aftermath, the cleanup - cat hairballs are not fun. To minimize the mess, we've put together a few cat hacks that'll help.

Why Are Cats So Protective of Their Bellies?

Have you ever rubbed a cat's belly? Chances are, that if you ever tried, you got a hiss and a paw full of claws for you troubles.

Cat or Dog? Only His Groomer Knows For Sure.

Is he a dog or is he a cat? Only his groomer knows for sure... which is a good thing, because his groomer happens to be his mom.

10 Tips On How To Stop Your Cat From Scratching Furniture

Cats have an itch they just have to scratch – here’s what you can do to keep them from scratching furniture Cats make awesome pets. But there are…

New Google Chrome Extension Makes America Kittens Again!

Google Chrome has added a new extension, and it's sure to "Make America Kittens. It replaces pictures of US President-Elect Donald Trump with kittens!

Tulsa Cat Brings In Cash For Local Homeless

A rescue cat in Oklahoma is giving his fellow homeless (humans) a helping paw by raising money being the most adorable kitteh ever.

Why Feeding Your Feline the Right Food Is Important

A healthy diet makes a solid foundation for your pet’s overall health – and the sooner you start with the right food, the greater the benefits are.

How Much Should I Feed My Cat?

The term "Fat Cat" isn't reserved for shifty politicians. If your cat looks a little too round (or thin), it's time to evaluate how much you're feeding her.

What Is Feline Hyperesthesia Syndrome?

A condition that can prove to be uncomfortable in cats, feline hyperesthesia syndrome cause increased skin sensitivity.

Vomiting in Cats: When to Worry

Yes, it's a gross topic, but it's an important one to talk about. Let's go over vomiting in cats and when you should be worried.

Top 10 Best Cats for Cuddling

Yes, it's true - cats are cuddly! There are some cat breeds that prefer to snuggle. Here's our list of top 10 best cats for cuddling.

What Is Feline Group Scent?

Your kitty's nose knows... especially when there are other cats around. If you've got more than one cat, you'll want to know all about feline group scent.

Our First Cat-Only Contest – The SmartyKat® Feather Whirl

To prove that we love cats just as much as dogs, we’re giving felines their own contest. From now until December 9, your kitty can win a SmartyKat®…

Best Cat Scratchers

Want to stop your cat from shredding your furniture to bits? Our list covers best cat scratchers, designed to suit every kitty's needs and quirks.

What To Do If Your Cat Has Separation Anxiety

Sure, cats may seem cool and aloof, but there are some that hate to be left alone. Here are a few tips on what to do if your cat has separation anxiety.

The Luuup Litter Box Kickstarter Offers 3 Trays, No Mess

Never pick up cat poop again with the Luuup Litter Box. This 3 tray perpetual sifting litter system is just what finicky cat parents want in their homes.

Pets Are Getting Heavier With Each Year- And It’s Damaging Their Hea

Over half of all cats and dogs in the United States are overweight, and as a result, many preventable health issues are becoming more common for pets,

Why Playtime Is So Important For Your Cat

Reasons why you need to schedule a play date with your cat every day A lot of people think that cats are independent and don’t really require a lot of…

KEDi Documents the Lives of Istanbul’s Street Cats

The street cats of Istanbul have a special relationship with the city's residents. KEDi follows the lives of 7 Turkish tabbies as they interact with humans.

Why Do Cats Purr?

If you're happy and you know it, let out a purr! We love that sound - but did you know there's much more behind it - so why do cats purr?

Pawsome Cat Products You Can Buy on Etsy

We love shopping on Etsy! It's the best place to buy handmade, one-of-a-kind gifts for your kitty.

Comrade Cat Runs For President In Russia

First Russia... then the world! We'll be closely following the upcoming Presidential race in Russia, where Barsik the Cat has declared his "Cat"-diacy!

MEOW! Hot Model Loves His Adorable Cat

MEOW! Here's even more proof that guys who love cats are hot! Canadian Model Travis DesLaurier adores his fluffy BFF, Jacob.