This Vacuum Is Something Every Pawrent Desperately Needs
The potential for machines to replaces human workers is something that’s been debated for a long time, but, with rapid technological advancements, it’s somewhat of a hot topic nowadays. Well, whether the concerns are justified or not, I know there is at least one thing where I, as a human worker, would LOVE to be replaced by a machine: cleaning up my dog’s poop.
I’ll think just about everybody will agree with me that picking up dog’s doo-doo is not high on their list of favorite activities, but, nevertheless, we all do it. I have 7 dogs and a big yard, so do the math- spoiler alert, it means shoveling a lot of poop on a daily basis.That’s why when I saw that there is something called Pooch Power Dog Poop Vacuum, I flipped. You mean to tell me that I could just hold a thingy that does my work for me instead of actually dealing with all that mess?
The cordless, battery-powered pooper scooper literally sucks in dog poop into a compartment lined with a degradable plastic bag. The manufacturer clearly knows their shit – pardon the pun – because they highlighted that their poop vacuum could deal with turds of all shapes and sizes: whether it’s a week-old and rock hard log or liquid number two, also known as pet parent’s bane. Pooch Power Dog Poop Vacuum just slurps it all into oblivion! Here’s how it looks in action:
The terrain doesn’t make a difference for the pooch power showel as this nifty gadget will work regardless of the poop location. It will successfully remove dog waste from garden beds, rocky surface, carpets, lawns- you name it, my dogs have pooped there, so the vacuum’s versatility is a big plus in my book.
For those of you who want to make manual scooping thing of the past, the life-saving, poop-cleaning vacuum can be found on Amazon and at Oddity Mall. It’s International Pooper Scooper Week, so Treat. Yo. Self.
A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.
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