Fish Blog

If you’re looking to swim with the big fish… or the small fish… or anything in between, our in-depth Fish Blog section covers everything an avid aquarist needs to know.

Covering all types of aquarium tanks, to cool and interesting ideas for your next fishy endeavor,’s Fish Blog is the perfect spot for experienced and beginner fish enthusiasts alike. We cover the various aspects of fish keeping as a hobby – from simple planted tanks to complex marine environments, as well as aquarium fish and their compatibility with other species. Dive right into the fascinating world of aquariums!

If you are in need for some tips and ideas on decorating your fish tank with beautiful plants, make sure to hop on over to our Aquatic Plants section. In case you have a saltwater tank and want to create a unique environment for its inhabitants, Coral Reefing is definitely an option worth looking into. Reef tanks are not only great for the fish but a magnificent centerpiece for your home as well! Depending on the type of water in your tank, you will also find invaluable advice and how-to guides in our Freshwater and Saltwater blog chapters, or useful reviews of aquarium equipment in our Fish Products section of the blog.

Wondering about adding a new creature into your aquarium? Read up on our aquarium fish species recommendations, or head on over to our Invertebrates blog, to find out how to chose, introduce and care for various marine critters, including species such as crabs, clams, starfish, and much more.

Create a stunning miniature ecosystem in your aquarium.’s Fish blog has all the resources you’ll need to create, decorate and maintain a gorgeous fish tank, as well as guides on choosing and caring for aquarium fish and other aquatic creatures that will inhabit it!

Top 8 Best Aquarium Plants for Beginners

Welcome to the wonderful world of planted tanks! If you're just getting started, we've made a list of eight aquarium plants that are great for beginners.

4 Annoying Pests Found in Your Freshwater Aquarium

Even the smallest pests can mess up the most pristine aquarium. Here are four common (and annoying) pests that could cause problems in your freshwater tank.

Taking a Closer Look at Oscars

One of the most popular aquarium fish species is the Oscar. Brilliantly colored and quite smart, there's a lot you didn't know about these tough fish.

Product Review: AquaMaxx HOB Protein Skimmer

Let us clarify how important a quality protein skimmer is to your tank. We give the AquaMaxx HOB Protein Skimmer a spin in our aquarium.

Saltwater Shopping List For Beginners

Starting up a saltwater tank is a lot simpler when you have a must-have list of items. Use this list as a start point for your new saltwater aquarium.

Radiant Reef: A Rainbow of Hard Coral

An underwater, eye-dazzling view! Available in all the colors of the rainbow, hard corals can turn your tank into a brilliant spectrum of wonder.

10 Essentials You Always Need in Your Fish Room

Wonder what the pros keep in their fish rooms? They've shared their tips with us, and we're passing along the 10 essentials you need in your fish room.

Biotope Tanks: What Are They and How Do You Cultivate One?

Before you buy, have you narrowed down your choice of fish tank? If you're looking into freshwater, the Biotope tank may be just what you're looking for.

Our Guide to the Best Nano Tanks

Short on space, but love fish? A nano tank may just fill that empty space in your home. Here are the best nano tanks we've found.

Best Color-Enhancing Fish Food

The most focal part of your tank is your fish, so you want them looking their best. Keep them vibrant with the best color-enhancing fish food.

What Causes PH Changes and How to Fix Them

What's the chemistry like between your aquarium fish and the water they swim in? Keeping the pH of your tank water is a vital element to healthy fish.

Best Aquarium Protein Skimmers

Keeping your aquarium water clean and clear is essential for the health and wellness of your tank inhabitants.�Here are our top picks for the best aquarium protein skimmers.

Best Automatic Aquarium Feeders

We've put together some tips for choosing and using an automatic aquarium feeder and our top 10 picks for the best automatic aquarium feeders.

Suck It Up: Python No Spill Clean and Fill Aquarium Maintenance System

Sucking up dirty water from your tank and filling it up with clean H2O can be time consuming. Let the Python Aquarium Maintenance System do the job for you!

The Best Aquarium Gravel Cleaners

You may not think much about it, but the gravel at the bottom of your tank needs certain care. Here are our picks for the best aquarium gravel cleaners.

Get to Work on an Office Aquarium

Bring life into your office with a fish tank. A growing trend in the workplace, aquariums add color, energy, and stress release to a busy day.

7 Common Types of Algae Found in Freshwater Aquariums

It's not easy being green... or brown... or red. How many different types of freshwater algae are you familiar with and how to you control it?

Best Aquarium Lights

Lights� cameras� action! Put a spotlight on your tank with the right lighting. Here are our picks for the best aquarium lights.

How to Anchor Live Plants to Driftwood for a Natural Décor Scheme

Driftwood adds a distinct look to an aquarium. To make sure you pull off this style, follow our tips for properly using driftwood as a live plant anchor.

Watts Going On With Your Aquarium Lighting?

Aquarium lighting is more than just watts per gallon. When you're setting up lighting for your tank, be sure to keep these important factors in mind.

Are You Feelin’ Crabby?

Are you a tank owner who's always wanted to bring home a crab? If you're ready to jump into the world of crabs, take a pinch of our tested advice.

Best Aquarium Heaters for Tropical Fish

Just because you don't live in the tropics, it doesn't mean you can't have a tropical tank. Here are our picks for the best aquarium heaters for tropical fish.

Best Aquarium Supplies for Biological Filtration

Balance is the key to a healthy aquarium and filtration plays a major role. That's why you need know about the best aquarium supplies for biological filtration.

How to Safely Clean Your Tank and Aquarium Decorations

If you're sprucing up your tank with aquarium d�cor, it's going to need to be cleaned. Here's how to do it without endangering your fishes' environment.

Aquascaping: A Tank of Beauty

A tank can be a place to flex your artistic muscle. If you'd like to set up a stunning aquascape, you'll want to follow these tips to do it right.

Why You Need The API Master Test Kit

Here's a test you don't have to study for. The API Master Test Kit has everything you need to maintain and monitor aquarium conditions.

Conditioning Your Fish Tank With Seachem Prime

To remove chlorine from tap water so that it's safe for your aquarium, you'll need a prime water conditioner. And Seachem Prime is what the pros recommend.

Top 5 Fast-Growing Aquarium Plants for Planted Tanks

If you're impatient for growth, you'll want aquarium plants that shoot up quickly. Take a look at these fast-growing aquarium plants for your planted tank.

Best Artificial Aquarium Plants

Keeping a tank with live plants can be quite a challenge. If you want the look of a planted tank without the hassle, think about adding artificial aquarium plants.

Coral Reefing: Choosing Soft or Hard Coral

When it comes to making a choice between soft or hard, it's not just a question for tacos. For coal reefing, are you going to go with soft or hard coral?

Top 3 Substrates to Use in Planted Aquariums

The key to the perfect planted tank is to get the balance between fish and plant needs just right. The solution is finding the ideal type of substrate.

Best Aquarium Substrates for Planted Tanks

What's at the bottom of the best aquariums? The best substrates! Here's our list of the best aquarium substrates for planted tanks.

Expand Your Saltwater Tank With a Refugium

Want tag on a new addition to your saltwater tank? With a refugium, you can add greater water capacity to your main tank for a host of benefits.

The Benefits of Hermit Crabs in Your Aquarium

The hermit crab isn't just a pretty shell - this invertebrate likes to clean up after itself. Here's why you should let a hermit crab move into your tank.

Best Affordable Supplies for a 20-Gallon Tank

Thinking about getting a home aquarium? You need more than a tank! Here's our list of best affordable supplies for a 20-gallon tank.

Best Supplies for a Betta Fish Tank

Known for their bright colors and long, flowing tails, betta fish are a great option if you're looking for a way to break into the aquarium hobby.

Best Aquarium Filter Media

There are parts of your aquarium that work behind the scenes to ensure that it works properly. Here's how to choose the best aquarium filter media for your tank.�

Fish Flushing: Why Toilet Funerals Need To Go

We have all gathered around the toilet to say our farewells to fish that have gone belly up. But this practice needs to stop for a variety of reasons.

Best Aquarium Pumps

Pump it up! To improve the lives of your fish, you need to invest in the right equipment. Here are our top picks for the best aquarium pumps.

How To Speak Fish: More Than Just Blowing Bubbles

You may not hear it, but your fish have a way of talking to each other. Even though they don't make a sound, their actions speak louder than words!

Join the Club: The Eastern Betta Society

Want to join like-minded fish enthusiasts near you? The Eastern Betta Society in an online community where you can log in and talk betta!

How to Use Floating Plants in Your Planted Tank

Floating plants help to create a tranquil vibe in your aquarium. If you're new to this kind of plant, here are a few pointers to keep in mind.

The 5 Stimulating Spawning Methods of Fish

The spawning habits of aquarium fish are fascinating. When it comes to reproducing, fish fall into one of these five spawning types.

Unpopular Opinion: Goldfish Belong Outside

Some fish belong in tanks, others need to be outside. And even though you may not like it, the goldfish's place is in a pond.

Pros and Cons of Feeding Your Fish Live Food

What are you feeding your fish for dinner? If you're planning on feeding your fish live food, here's what you need to know about this type of diet.

Aquarium Spotlight: PPG Aquarium in Pittsburgh, PA

Education can be lots of fun - just don't tell the kids that! If you're looking for a family outing in Pittsburgh, PA, drop by the PPG Aquarium.

Why I Think Aquarium Rock Collecting Rocks!

Are you into hard rock? Not the music... the kind you put in your aquarium! Here's what you need to know before adding rocks to your tank.

Best Aquarium Gravel for Freshwater Tanks

What's at the bottom of your aquarium? If you're looking for substrate, check out our picks for the best aquarium gravel for freshwater tanks.

Best Foreground Plants to Use in a Planted Tank

Much thought and planning goes into a vibrant, practical planted tank. Learn how to properly arrange your plants and which ones are best for the foreground.

Meet the Snail Assassin: Your Solution to Pest Snails

Got a snail problem you need taken care of? To take care of a snail problem, you need to send in an Assassin Snail, better known as Clea Helena!

Best Light Fixtures for a Planted Tank

Bring out the best in your vibrant aquarium with the right lights. Here's our guide to the best light fixtures for a planted tank.

Best Aquarium Filters

Go with the flow and keep your tank sparkling clean. Choose from our list of the best aquarium filters to ensure your tank is properly maintained.

Readers’ Picks: Top 12 Live Amano Shrimp Buys

Who knew that Amazon was a great place to buy live shrimp? From start to drop off, happy customers are reporting no casualties en route.

Top 5 Live Plants to Use in Brackish Aquariums

A mix of salt and freshwater, brackish aquariums present its own set of challenges. Here are a few plants that hold up in this type of tank.

5 Plants Picks for Your Brackish Aquarium

It's not saltwater, it's not freshwater - brackish aquariums offer a bit of both! But finding the right plants for this type of tank can prove to be tricky.

Finding Dory: The True Tail Behind the Regal Tang Fish

Thanks to Hollywood, the new must-have fish to have is the Regal Tang. But this isn't a fish for the faint hearted - are you up to the challenge?

Best Fish Food for Algae Eaters

Finding the perfect combination of aquarium inhabitants is an art. You want to find species that are compatible with each other in terms of size and color, but you also have to think about aggression and diet as well. Once you’ve established the ideal balance, it can be challenging to add a new inhabitant to the tank. If you’re struggling to control problem algae, however, adding a new species could be your best option. Bristlenose Plecostomus, oto cats, and other algae eaters are a natural and long-term solution for problem algae, but they require care of their own.

Fishy Secrets Revealed: The Pros’ Most Embarrassing Stories

We all have those forehead-slapping moments when we make a stupid mistake. Hey, not to worry - even the most seasoned of fish pros have made a few missteps.

Oscars and Aquarium Plants: Can You Have Both?

Some fish and aquarium plants don't go together. If you're thinking of adding Oscars to your planted tank, keep these important facts in mind.

Ich or White Spot Disease: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

One of the most common diseases affecting aquarium fish, Ich or White Spot Disease is highly contagious. More about the causes, symptoms and treatment.