
Talking About Tartar Buildup On Dog’s Teeth

Ick! It’s gross, but you can’t hide from it – tartar buildup on your dog’s teeth can be a serious issue It’s not pretty but we&…

Best Pet Treats for Squeaky Clean Teeth

Improve your pet's oral health with dental yummies- they'll have clean teeth and minty breath, and, as a bonus, get to munch on delicious treats!

Toothy Trouble: Periodontal Disease in Dogs

Bad breath is the least of your worries when it comes to periodontal disease in dogs. Brush up on how to keep tooth and gum infections away from your dog.

What to Expect With a Veterinary Teeth Cleaning

Dogs need to have their teeth cleaned. If you don't take care of doggie dental needs at home, your pooch will need to go in for a veterinary teeth cleaning.

Cleaning Cat Teeth: A Guide to Dental Care for Cats

You need to take steps each day to be certain your cat's mouth is healthy. Here's a quick guide on how to keep those cat teeth clean and healthy!