Stress-Free Tips for Keeping Your Christmas Tree Safe From Your Dog

Kate Barrington
by Kate Barrington
You’ve decorated the Christmas Tree and it looks fabulous… that is, until your dog spots it! Make sure your tree survives the holidays with these stress-free tips.

There is just something about decorating the tree that makes it feel like Christmas. If you’re going to spend the better part of a day decorating your tree, you want to make sure your efforts aren’t wasted. Unfortunately, many dog owners deal with the struggle of keeping their dog away from the tree.

Keeping your dog away from the Christmas tree is only half the battle – you also need to make sure the tree is pet-safe. Keep reading to learn more about creating a pet-safe Christmas tree and for keeping it safe from your dog.

Related: 7 Sparkling Safety Tips For A Dog-Proof Christmas Tree

Simple Tips for Dog-Proofing the Tree

If you’re worried about your dog knocking over the Christmas tree, one solution is to simply not have one. But what is Christmas without a Christmas tree? If you simply can’t bear the thought of skipping out on this holiday tradition, here are some tips for dog-proofing your tree:

  • Choose an artificial tree rather than a real one. Artificial trees usually come with sturdy stands for greater stability and, if it does fall over, it won’t be as heavy as a real one.
  • Make sure your tree is anchored to prevent it from tipping over. If you really want to do it right, screw a bolt into the wall behind it, wrap a loop of twine around the tree, and tie it to the bolt.
  • Set up your tree and leave it bare for a few days before decorating it. This will give your dog some time to get used to having the tree – he’ll be more likely to leave it alone later once it’s decorated.
  • Bundle and tie up all of your electrical cords. Not only do you want to prevent your dog from chewing on them, but you’ll be reducing the risk that he’ll trip on them or get tangled in them.
  • Be smart about where you place your ornaments, It might be a good idea to leave the lower branches bare and to place fragile ornaments closer to the top of the tree.
  • Don’t put any edible ornaments on the tree that might tempt your dog. Candy canes, cookie ornaments, and even popcorn could cause problems for your pet.
  • Wait until Christmas morning to place your presents under the tree so your dog doesn’t get into them – you don’t want to wake up to find your dog ate every last gift.

Other Holiday Safety Tips for Pets

In addition to making sure that your Christmas tree is dog-proof, there are some other simple things to keep in mind. Avoid purchasing any kind of holiday plant that might be harmful to your dog – this includes lilies, mistletoe, holly, and poinsettias. If you’re using real pine garlands, be careful where you place them so your dog doesn’t end up covered in sap. As always, you should be careful about keeping potentially toxic food and beverages out of your dog’s reach. You should also keep the phone number for the Pet Poison Helpline handy, just in case.

The holidays are a joyous season, so make sure you do everything you can to keep it that way! Take the steps described above to keep your Christmas tree safe from your dog and vice versa. Happy holidays!

Kate Barrington
Kate Barrington

Kate Barrington is the loving owner of two cats (Bagel and Munchkin) and a noisy herd of guinea pigs. Having grown up with golden retrievers, Kate has a great deal of experience with dogs but labels herself a lover of all pets. Having received a Bachelor's degree in English, Kate has combined her love for pets and her passion for writing to create her own freelance writing business, specializing in the pet niche.

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