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Lisa Selvaggio

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Lisa Selvaggio is a freelance writer and editor, and our resident cats-pert, with certifications in pet nutrition and pet first aid. She enjoys producing content that helps people...
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Gen Zers Finding It Hard to Afford Pets

Everyone these days is feeling the effects of increased prices for everything from groceries and medical care to recreation and pet care. But a survey by LendingTree, which involved 1,991 consumers between the ages of 18 and 78 in the United States, found that Gen Zers, in particular, are struggling with affording their pets because of the rising cost of living.

Cats Grieve, According to Study

Pet parents know how difficult it is to lose a companion, but some people are unsure of whether cats grieve like people do when another pet dies. A recent study has revealed that, yes, cats do grieve. Keep reading to learn about how the study was conducted and what the researchers discovered.

How to Keep Your Cat Hydrated

Keeping your cat hydrated is an important part of maintaining their overall health, but your kitty might not be drinking enough water, and that could lead to dehydration. The good news is that you can encourage your feline to drink more, and there are ways to sneak more moisture into their daily diet. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Teeth Grinding in Cats: Why It Happens

You already know that people sometimes grind their teeth, but did you know that bruxism can occur in cats, too? This can be caused by pain in the mouth or body, so it is important to have your kitty examined by a veterinarian if you notice the symptoms of bruxism.What is bruxism in cats, what causes it, and what can be done about it? Keep reading to learn a bit about feline bruxism so you’ll know how to recognize it.

Interacting with Dogs Affects Your Brain, Mood, and Focus

New research from South Korea shows what happens in a person’s brain when they interact with a dog.

Dogs Can Smell When You’re Stressed

Researchers have discovered that dogs can smell human stress and it can affect the way they make decisions. The study was conducted in the United Kingdom, and helps shed more light on how dogs can be impacted by the emotions experienced by people.

FIP Treatment Now Available for Cats

As of June 1, 2024, pet parents can get the FIP treatment they need for their cats, but there is some confusion about this. Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a fatal condition, but pet parents have been using a drug, GS-441524, to cure their cats (though the drug is not always effective in all cases). Despite the success of the treatment, the problem has been that the drug was only available on the black market, so people would access it with the help of groups on social media since vets weren’t able to prescribe it.

Gene Mutation Raises Risk of Side Effects from Parasite Preventatives

According to findings from a recent study, over half a million cats in the U.S. should not be given certain parasite preventatives because they are at risk of serious adverse reactions. Pet parents who plan to use or currently use these products on their cats should inform themselves so they can make the right decisions for their pets’ health.

Missing Bird Reunited with Family with Nextdoor App

Losing a pet bird is especially devastating because it can be extremely difficult to find them and rescue them. But a good-hearted woman was able to use the Nextdoor app to reconnect a lost cockatiel with his family.

Dog Rescued from Hot Vehicle by Police

All pet parents should know that you should never leave pets in your car alone, especially when it’s hot out, as it can lead to death. A dog in Florida was rescued from a hot vehicle, thanks to police who responded and were able to help the animal before it was too late.

How to Introduce Your Cat to Your Baby

Are you preparing to welcome a new baby, and you want to be sure that your fur baby will be ready for such a big change? Cats are creatures of habit, so major shifts in their daily life, which happens when a child is born, can cause them to feel stressed. But if you take the right steps in advance and after you bring your baby home, you can ensure everyone in your family will adjust to the changes without anxiety.Check out the tips below on how to introduce your cat to your newborn.

Cat Laryngitis: Can Cats Lose Their Voice?

Did you know that cats can get laryngitis? This condition occurs when the larynx, or voice box, is inflamed, and it can cause changes in the sound of your cat’s voice or a loss of their voice.Keep reading to learn the causes of laryngitis in cats, as well as the symptoms and what you can do to treat it. That way, if your cat’s voice suddenly changes or they become less talkative, you’ll have a better idea of what might be the problem and what you should do.