Study Reveals a Link Between Mental Health and an Attachment to Pets

We have all been told at one time or another that our pets are good for our mental health. But have you ever stopped to consider how your mental health could also impact the attachment bond you form with your pet? Could your attachment to your pet hurt your mental health?

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New Survey Ranks America's Top Dog Breeds by State
If Americans had to decide, they’d pick the Australian shepherd as a favorite dog breed, followed by the German shepherd and the bulldog.
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Can I Muzzle My Dog to Stop Barking?

Excessive barking can be frustrating and, if left unaddressed, can put you, as the owner, in a difficult situation. In some places, this can lead to fines or even eviction due to noise complaints. Unfortunately, the process of training a dog to stop barking isn’t one that is usually solved overnight – but it can be done!

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San Juan Puerto Rico’s Iconic Stray Felines to Be Evicted

One-year deadline imposed by the US National Park Service to shift almost 200 cats from 16th-century El Morro fortress.

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New Study Searches for the Secret Connection Between ‘Gifted’ Dogs

As dog parents, we all want to believe that our dog is the smartest, most incredible, most amazing dog out there. Right? But there is a select group of dogs whose talent and intelligence stand out above the rest. What makes these dogs so bright? That’s what a new study hopes to understand…

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Should My Cat Sleep in My Bed?

There is no “right” answer as to whether your cat should be allowed to sleep in your bed. While your furry friend could provide comfort and warmth through those long nights, they may also trigger health problems or keep you awake.

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Is Rock Salt Toxic to Dogs?
Sadly, the answer is yes – rock salt, commonly used for de-icing roads and sidewalks in winter, can be toxic to dogs if ingested in large quantities.
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How Can I Remove Plaque From My Dog's Teeth?
The best way to prevent plaque on a dog's teeth is to brush them, but what about existing buildup? How can you remove plaque from your dog’s teeth at home – or is it something that has to be done professionally? Here’s what you need to know about plaque and tartar and how best to remove them.
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A New Survey Shows Both Pets and Owners Feel Separation Anxiety
The results indicate that 4 in 10 pet parents said that they would rather accept a lower salary and work from home, just so they could be closer to their furry friends.
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Vet School Aims to Dispel Misinformation About Mysterious Illness

News about a mysterious illness has been making dog parents across the country nervous as they seek out available information. While there have been reported advances made in understanding the cause of the illness, many of the details are still vague, and a lot of “data” being shared by the mainstream media seems to be contradicting. How do you know what to believe?

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What Shapes Your Dog’s Personality? Harvard Neuroscientists Reveal
No two dogs are the same – each pooch has a personality of their own, complete with unique quirks and traits. But why is your dog the way they are? Here's what the experts have to say about it.
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Mice Have Passed the Mirror Test: What It Means
The “mirror test” is used by scientists to help them determine if an animal is self-aware—if an animal looks in the mirror and recognizes themselves in it, r…
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FDA Approves New Treatment for Anxiety and Fear in Cats
It’s no secret that most cats get really stressed out when they have to leave the house, especially for a trip to the veterinarian. And the anxiety and fear…
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Newfoundland Dogs Deliver Your Tree at This US Christmas Tree Farm

“It’s a great way to expose people to the joy of Christmas but also teach people about Newfoundland dogs,” explained Lindsay Eshelman when asked about her family farm. “They’re big, and sometimes people are scared of big dogs, and we want to show that they’re gentle giants.”

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Watch As Adorable Shelter Dogs Pick Their Own Christmas Toys

The holiday season is associated with traditions and festivities as we gather with family, put up festive decorations, and exchange holiday gifts. For pet parents, these traditions often carry over to spoiling our furry companions. But what about the thousands of pets sitting in shelters and rescues around the world, waiting for their forever home?

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Are Hamsters Good Pets for Kids?

Are hamsters good pets for kids? The short answer is, “maybe.” There are several key factors to consider when deciding if a hamster will be an excellent addition to your family, including the space needed for their habitat, their independent personalities, your child’s interest in a bet, the work (and finances) required to care for your new hamster, and the availability of a veterinarian that will accept small animals.

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