250 Furry “Extras” Find Homes Thanks To Critically Acclaimed Movie

Mary Simpson
by Mary Simpson
It’s the stuff movies are made of – Stray dogs used as extras are adopted after filming wraps for foreign film “White God.”

We love when a movie has a happy ending – and this film has a happier one than usual, even after the credit role. Filmed in Hungary, the movie “White God” needed a lot of extras – 250 furry extras to be precise. And when they were done there wasn’t a dry eye in the house!

You see, producer Magnolia Pictures brought in shelter dogs to fill the need for the canine crowd scenes featured throughout the film. When the movie wrapped, each of the pooches was placed in a loving, forever home due to a campaign spearheaded by the producers and designed to find each of the four-legged, non-union workers a permanent gig.

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The movie highlights the plight of many stray dogs in Hungary and shows the struggles between 13-year old Lilli and her father when the country passes new legislation that fines owners of mixed-breed dogs. Rather than pay, the father dumps the pet in the countryside – a fate experienced by many dogs – and a distraught and outraged Lilli runs off in search.

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What she discovers is gut-wrenching – hundreds of dogs that have formed a sort of community after having experienced a similar fate. But the uplifting take-away for those in the know is that each of these extras is one lucky boy! All were trained for their 15 minutes of stardom by professionals who used positive reinforcement techniques for months prior to the film being shot and animal rights groups were on hand to monitor their treatment. Unimaginable one-on-one treatment for animals that had previously been abandoned and isolated. Of course the proverbial happy ending is that each is now loved, sheltered and likely fielding offers from talent scouts.

Mary Simpson
Mary Simpson

Sharing space with three seriously judgy Schnoodles and a feline who prefers to be left alone. #LivingMyBestLife

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