A Motorcycle Ride to Raise Money for Pets? Yes Please.

Hogs 4 Paws, a Texas based animal rescue charity, is looking to put the FUN back in fundraising. Join them with their 2nd Annual Rescue Ride for Animals in Denton, Texas this May!

Hogs 4 Paws introductory video on their site states two facts. First, according to their statistics, more than 90% of Americans want to support and help rescue organisations. Secondly, motorcycle rallies and runs are becoming increasingly popular. The question that these two rhetorical questions beg is “why not combine the two?”

Hogs 4 Paws decided to step up to the challenge, and for the second year running they have organized their Rescue Ride for Animals. A whole day affair, the event starts at 8am on Saturday May 13th. The Rescue Ride will benefit the Denton Animal Support Foundation, Pets Are For Life, Ranch Hands Rescue and Shakarosa Wildlife Ranch.

Related: ASPCA and Subaru Want To Share the Love

The day will be more than just a ride though. Hogs 4 Paws is going all out on this. The day will include a free pancake breakfast, a tour, lunch, live music, and activities. Last year’s ride was to help feed the eight thousand rescued dogs, cats and ferrets supported by the RPAL Pet Food Bank and Distribution Center. Each driver paid $25 to be part of the ride.

They drove from the American Eagle Harley Davidson in Corinth Texas into Dallas to the Dallas Pet Expo. The ride was about 31 miles, but was a total blast according to participants. Afterwards, people rode back to the American Eagle Harley Davidson for live music, food tricks and cold beverages.

“This Rescue Ride promises to be at least twice as much fun as the first one,” says founder and chief organizer Chris Ruben. “The benefiting organizations have wonderful facilities and do tremendous work with animals and humans. The routes between them make for a beautiful rude, and the afternoon is filled with even more animal fun with a live alligator, camel and lemur at the Harley dealership. What a great way to celebrate National Pet Month.”

Hogs 4 Paws is also launching a virtual ride for those of us who are too geographically removed to take part in the event. If you go to their website and scroll to the bottom, they have a special section for “Virtual Riders”. If you donate $25 to either of the four benefiting organizations, you could be eligible for a free patch. Just write “Hogs4Paws” in the comment section, and receive your own Hogs 4 Paws patch in the mail!

Elisabeth Fillmore
Elisabeth Fillmore

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