UK Government Officials Ban Electric Collars for Pets

Angela Vuckovic
by Angela Vuckovic
The new law that will make the use of electric shock collars illegal was welcomed by vets, animal lovers and pet parents across the country.

England’s Environment Secretary just announced that electric collars for pets are officially outlawed in the United Kingdom, saying that the decision to put an end to the cruel and punitive training method was a natural one for a “nation of animal lovers”. Britain’s Kennel Club has been fiercely lobbying for the law for the last decade, supported by countless veterinarians, animal experts and pet owners who recognized that electric collars are an outdated and harmful training aid.

In fact, according to the statement that The British Veterinary Association gave the media, behavior experts said that “electronic training devices such as electric collars have been proven to cause pain and unnecessary suffering… using fear as a training tool negatively impacts an animal’s overall welfare and is far less effective than positive training methods“. Having in mind that there are numerous viable alternatives that are much more humane and effective than shock collars, it shouldn’t be a surprise that for the first time in England’s history, animal welfare activists and politicians have taken up the same side, resulting in a groundbreaking law that follows those recently established in Wales and Scotland, as well.

Electric collars either release noxious chemicals at a dog that cause severe irritation and discomfort or use electrical impulses to shock the pet to submission. Depending on the particular model, the collar could send shocks of 100 to 6,000 volts for up to 11 seconds at a time. Banning pet owners from using them as behavior-modifying tools would ensure that the pets have been treated humanely while being trained.

While not all of the people using electric collars to train their pets have cruel intentions, such as administering shocks as punishments, not being informed about the hazards of shock collars shouldn’t be an excuse to continue using them. Hopefully, England is not the last country that recognizes the need to officially criminalize any form of cruelty to animals, including electric collars, and that others are soon to follow.

Angela Vuckovic
Angela Vuckovic

A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.

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