Why Does My Dog Follow Me Around the House?

Kate Barrington
by Kate Barrington
Do you have an indoor shadow? If your dog follows you around the house, there may be a few reasons why this happens.

When you get up in the morning and head to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, you shouldn’t be surprised if your dog follows you. After all, there’s a possibility that some tasty morsel could fall within reach. As the day progresses, however, you may find that your dog follows you everywhere you go – to the bathroom, to the mailbox, even to the other side of the same room you’ve been in for hours.

Though this behavior is more common in some dogs than others, many dogs have a habit of following their owners around the house. Keep reading to learn more about the reasoning behind this behavior and what you can do to calm your dog’s restlessness.

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Top 7 Reasons Your Dog Follows You Around

Many dog owners liken their dogs to Velcro – they stick by their side no matter where they are in the house or what they are doing. Some days you may enjoy the companionship, but other times may drive you up the wall. Before you shoo your dog away, think about the reasoning behind this behavior.

Here are the top 7 reasons your dog follows you around:

  • Companionship – Unless you have more than one dog, you might be the only company your dog has each day – this makes you the primary focus. When you’re at home, your dog wants to spend time with you and they don’t want you to leave.
  • Reinforcement – Many dogs learn indirectly from human behavior and interaction. Your dog will quickly learn who is in charge of feeding and who is the most likely to offer attention and affection. Your dog will follow that person because it’s produced a good result before, and they don’t want to miss out on food or fun.
  • Bonding – The more time you spend with your dog, the stronger your bond will become. As your bond is strengthened, your dog learns to expect things from you and will follow you to get them.
  • Attention – Some dogs display strong attention-seeking behavior such as begging at the table, whining when you go out of reach, and following you so closely you trip over him. You may even have experiences where your dog gets between you and a book or puts his head on your laptop.
  • Curiosity – Dogs are naturally curious – much like children – and they sometimes follow you around because they don’t want to miss out on anything.
  • Breed Characteristics – Some breeds are more prone to this behavior than others, especially breeds that have been developed to work closely with humans. These clingy dogs are the iconic “Velcro” dogs as mentioned earlier.
  • Separation Anxiety – When your dog becomes anxious when left alone, it is called separation anxiety. Some dog owners unknowingly make it worse by making a big fuss when leaving the house or coming home, giving the dog more reason to feel anxious.

Even though it might be annoying from time to time when your dog follows you around the house, the truth of the matter is that he really cares about you. Tripping over him now and again is a risk and an annoyance, but if you think of it as a compliment or a sign of affection, you’ll see it differently.

Kate Barrington
Kate Barrington

Kate Barrington is the loving owner of two cats (Bagel and Munchkin) and a noisy herd of guinea pigs. Having grown up with golden retrievers, Kate has a great deal of experience with dogs but labels herself a lover of all pets. Having received a Bachelor's degree in English, Kate has combined her love for pets and her passion for writing to create her own freelance writing business, specializing in the pet niche.

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