Is A Wet Dog's Nose Good or Bad?
A dog’s nose is their tool for discovering the world around them through scent, but dog noses are important for much more than sniffing – the state of your p…
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Why Does My Dog Eat Poop?
The behavior is called coprophagia, and it is influenced by a lot of major factors. Getting to know them can help you better understand this odd behavior, and help you act accordingly.
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Drug That Could Extend Lifespan of Senior Dogs Enters Clinical Trial
A new and revolutionary drug that could possibly extend the lifespan of healthy, senior dogs, is now entering a major clinical trial. It also has a first patient - an 11-year-old Whippet named Boo.
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Pet Obesity Study Shows Promise and Surprising Links With Humans
Recently conducted research shows that there might be a way to battle the obesity pandemic – with certain strains of probiotics that can help curb pet obesity, especially when dogs are in question.
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Animal Shelter Has Clever Way to Fundraise for Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is for celebrating love, but for some, it can be a reminder of failed relationships. If you’re still feeling bitter towards an ex, you can no…
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How Much Does It Cost to Feed Your Dog Around the World?

There is no denying the fact that pet ownership can be expensive. From the expected costs of vaccinations and high-quality dog food to the increased fees associated with traveling with your dog by your side, it adds up fast! But exactly how much does it cost to feed your dog? How do these costs stack up compared to dog parents in other areas?

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Do Dogs Experience Grief?

Anyone who has ever shared their heart and home with a dog can attest to how deep the emotional connection we form with our best friends is. It is this bond that makes saying goodbye so difficult. But are we the only ones experiencing this pain?

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Research Suggests Longer Nosed Dogs Live Longer

Yes, the flat-faced pooches we know and love have not only myriad health issues but also shorter lives.

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New Study Shows Which Dog Breeds Are Most Likely to Get Cancer
A new study published in Royal Society Open Science shows that there is a strong link between the dog’s size and their likelihood of getting cancer.
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Homeless Man Rescues a Litter of Orphaned Puppies During a Storm
An anonymous homeless man has become an internet sensation after rescuing a litter of puppies and taking them to the shelter during a storm.
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Why is My Rabbit Eating Poop and How Do I Stop It?

It’s a weird and uncomfortable habit, but if your rabbit is eating poop, it may not be a sign of health issues! In fact, for rabbits, eating poop may actually be a healthy decision (even if we’d prefer not to see it).

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Cat Chattering: What Is It and What Does It Mean?
Cats communicate with each other and their humans in a variety of ways through vocalizations and body language. While you may be able to figure out what your…
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What to Know About Cat Reproduction
With a better understanding of feline reproduction, you can take steps to prevent unwanted litters, and you’ll know what to expect if you have an intact fema…
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GPS Tracker Saves the Life of a Vancouver Island Pooch

New technology helps us find our pets when they wander into trouble.

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Senior Leaves $2.8 Million Estate to Pets, Not Kids

What do you need to consider when planning the future care of your pets?

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What Are the Symptoms of Dementia in Dogs?
Dog dementia or canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD) can bring about some troubling changes in your pet’s behavior – if you have a senior dog, these are the symptoms to look out for.
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