Shelter Dogs & Pokemon Go: Gotta Walk ‘Em All!

Morgan Sterling
by Morgan Sterling
A shelter in Indiana is utilizing the new Pokémon Go game to encourage volunteering! Play the game, walk a shelter dog – it’s a win-win.

The world is experiencing Pokéfever right now with the release of the innovative Pokémon Go app. It has over 15 million downloads and is beating social media apps like Tinder, Twitter, and Instagram on downloads, daily usage, and time spent on the app. Pokémon Go uses GPS tracking technology to let users go on Pokémon capturing adventures in real time, requiring users to go on walks to find rare virtual creatures in their neighbourhoods. The game was supposedly inspired by children’s growing lack of interest in the outdoors and the loss of nature within cities for them to explore. Now, everyone has a motivation to lace up their training gear and make the foray into the urban jungle. With so many young people now heading outside for strolls, The Muncie Animal Shelter came up with an absolutely brilliant idea.

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“Trying to hatch an egg or catch rare Pokémon?” their Facebook page inquired. “Come down to the Muncie Animal Shelter to walk one of our dogs while you get your steps in! Just come to the front desk and say you are here for the Pokémon dogs!”

As the game requires travelling for certain distances to Poké-stop locations to receive items or find a Pokémon, “steps” are counted to make sure the user has had a real life adventure to become the very best (that no one ever was)! Why not bring a dog along with you on your way to the Poké-gym? This is a really creative way to help real life animals in shelters stay active while you activate your Pokémon trainer expertise. Whether it’s an ultra rare Pikachu hiding in the park, or just another Rattata waiting around the corner, capturing it with a dog at your side is sure to keep Team Rocket at bay. The Animal shelters original Facebook graphic has been shared 18,175 times on Facebook, and it has 6k likes! This is sure to have brought a ton of attention to the rescue and their cause. Thanks for unintentionally supporting rescue animals everywhere, Pokémon! Pika-woo hoo!

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Playing the game with a dog may actually be a huge team advantage. Using the game while walking is much safer than those who choose to use it driving, as drivers can become distracted and cause collisions. Walking a dog also keeps you aware of your surroundings and reminds you to look when crossing roads. Having a dog by your side also discourages going into dangerous areas in search of a Bulbasaur or a Jigglypuff, as some Poké-related accidents have already been reported. If you happen to live in Indiana, stop by The Muncie Animal Shelter from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p. m. to pick up your new adventure buddy. We may not have real Poké-creatures yet, but we think dogs are the next best thing, and there are so many in need. While you’re at it, why not adopt? Rescue pup, I choose you!

So Pokémon-Go-bravely through your neighborhood, but maybe bring a furry friend with you!

[Source: Time]

Morgan Sterling
Morgan Sterling

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