Blue Streaked Lory

Angela Vuckovic
by Angela Vuckovic
fast facts

About Blue Streaked Lory

12 inches
15-30 years
Bird Species
Loud and piercing natural calls
Social, Energetic, Affectionate, Fun, Playful, Smart
Comparable Breeds
Eclectus Parrot, Hawk Headed Parrot
Blue Streaked Lory General Info

Blue Streaked Lory is not a usual sight in aviculture. These rare and exotic parrots boast unique and detailed looks that are bound to captivate anyone who sees them. Being rare and having a slightly demanding upkeep due to their exotic origins, these lories might not be a suitable pet for those with little free time and patience. But for those who decide to become an owner of one of these interesting birds- your effort will be rewarded with a beautiful friendship!

Blue Streaked Lories are an exotic breed and are not often seen as pets.

Native Region/Natural Habitat

The native region of these colorful parrots is found in a relatively exclusive and small area. This area consists of Tanimbar and Babar – two relatively small islands in the Maluku archipelago in Indonesia. Unfortunately, they are a near-threatened species, being under constant danger from logging, destruction of habitat and illegal capture. Light subtropical montane forests are their usual home, where they can be spotted in small flocks of up to 10 birds.

Overall Description

Blue Streaked Lory is a medium-sized pet bird, with adult specimens reaching a length of up to 12 inches (31 centimeters). The distinct physical traits of other lories are shared, like the hawk-like facial features, the slightly longer tail feathers and the unique brush tipped tongue that’s the iconic mark of the lories. The males and females are monomorphic – this means that they are identical, and knowing which one is which can be only determined by DNA.

Speech and Sounds

One thing you should keep in mind when you get a pet lory is the potential noise. While they are not too noisy or repetitively vocal like cockatoos, for example, they are still loud. Their natural calls are high pitched and very piercing which can sometimes become uncomfortable. This is the only reason why lories might not be the best parrot for those living in an apartment setting.


The first thing you’ll fall in love with is the magnificent and unique looks of the Blue Streaked Lory. This is without a doubt one of the loveliest and most interesting parrots out there. The big part of the plumage is bright, striking red. The chest and the belly are slightly darker, burgundy red with several light spots throughout. The wings have several prominent black patches on the center and tips. Around the neck and on the back are several light blue speckles. There’s a black circle around their eyes with large purplish blue streak stretching towards the neck. Of course, it’s this unique detail that gives them their name. Without a doubt, these lories are an astonishing sight and will captivate any onlooker.

The plumage of Blue Streaked Lories is unique, exotic and captivating- they’re in the spotlight wherever they are!

Care and Feeding

In the wild, the diet of these parrots is slightly unique. They enjoy a variety of exotic fruits, pollen, nectar, tree blossoms, and insects. You need to remember that lories are brush-tongued. Their tongues evolved especially for nectar-based diet. You’d want to look into a commercial brand of liquid nectar, which is great for lories. Furthermore, as a source of vitamin supplements, you can offer a mix of mashed fruits or vegetables. Their diet can prove slightly trickier for owners who are used to seed mixes and parrots with a simpler diet.

Health and Common Conditions

One of the strongest aspects for a Blue Streaked Lory is their remarkable ability to adapt to most living conditions. With their size and robust build, they are hardy birds and can live up to 30 years without any issues. You will have to take care to create an optimal living space – plenty of free space, a lot of social interaction, regular baths, and a balanced diet. Neglect can be a number one threat for any pet parrot.

Lories are energetic and need a lot of free room. They can be quite playful as well, so make sure they have a lot of toys.

Personality & Behavior

These intelligent birds can be quite active during the day. They love to play, investigate and are generally easy to handle. Additionally, they are very social and have a tendency to pick favorites and bond with a single person in the family. Blue Streaked Lories are energetic and love to play and explore the home. At times they will show their cuddlier side, so make sure to exploit it and steal some quality snuggle time. But all things considered, the Blue Streaked Lory is not the best choice for beginner bird owners or people looking for a low-maintenance pet. However, for those owners who have a bit more patience and time, and appreciate rare birds, a Blue Streaked Lory will be just what they need.

Photo credit: tristan tan/Shutterstock

Angela Vuckovic
Angela Vuckovic

A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.

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