Can Dogs Eat Pineapple?
It’s no secret that pooches always want to try whatever we happen to be eating at the moment. Canines are not the pickiest of creatures, that’s true, but the fact that they would snarf down almost anything doesn’t mean that you should let them. For instance, even though fruit is a vital part of our diet and is one of the healthiest foods in our diet, it’s not the same when it comes to our pets.
As omnivores, dogs can enjoy eating various foods and need to have a wholesome, well-rounded diet. According to experts, a balanced diet for dogs would look something like this:
- 30 to 70 percent of healthy carbs
- 18 to 25 percent protein
- 10 to 15 percent of healthy fats
To ensure our dogs are getting all of the nutrients they need, most of us pet parents rely on commercial dog foods, made specifically to meet the dietary requirements of our pets. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t include fresh or homemade treats in the mix, too; both as a reward for your pooch and a source of essential vitamins and minerals. A great way to achieve that is by offering dog-friendly fruit and veggies to your furbaby. Most pet parents are not sure what types of human food are safe for their four-legged besties, though, which brings us to the question: can dogs eat pineapple?
The tropical fruit can be safe for dogs to eat, in certain amounts and forms. Not all parts of pineapple should be fed to a dog, as well! To find out can dogs eat pineapple fresh or in treats, which parts of pineapple are safe for dogs, and does eating pineapple has any benefits for dogs, read our all-in-one guide on the exotic fruit.
A quick and simple answer to the question can dogs eat pineapple is- yes. But a quick and simple answer is not enough when you need to consider your pupper’s wellbeing. Yes, the tasty tropical fruit might not be toxic to your pet, but it doesn’t mean you should give them any type of pineapple, in any amount they want to eat. The tart, sweet, and tangy fruit might tempt you to pig out while fantasizing about a tropical getaway, but your pooch should only get a few bites!
The safest route is giving your dog a few bite-sized pieces of raw pineapple. Not only that portion control will enable you to monitor your pet’s reaction to a new food they’re trying out, but it will also make sure you’re not going overboard with the naturally sugary treat. The high content of sugar, as well as a variety of potentially harmful preservatives and additives, is also the reason why you should avoid giving your dog canned pineapple, which is slathered in syrup.
Of course, although it should go without saying, you should only offer pineapple flesh to your pet, and never the rough skin. While there’s no doubt about can dogs eat pineapple without any risk, it’s only true if the pineapple has been peeled and cored beforehand!
So, now that you know that your pet can eat pineapple safely, you probably want to know if there are any benefits to it. Pineapple is one of the healthiest and most nutrient-dense fruits. This tangy fruit contains vitamin C thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, copper, magnesium, iron and vitamin B6, all of which support your dog’s health. But, while all of these vitamins and minerals play a role in your dog’s well-being, it’s the high content of vitamin C and dietary fiber that make pineapple a good dog treat. Yes, dogs can synthesize vitamin C on their own, but having an additional source of it in their diet will only improve their immune system and help them fight off diseases. Fiber, on the other hand, ensure their digestive system is in top form and prevents constipation. Of course, overdoing it with fiber in your pet’s diet can have the opposite effect; as it will lead to loose stool or diarrhea.
When it comes to poop, pineapple has another role besides getting your pet’s GI tract in order. There is an old wife’s tale that feeding dogs pineapple will stop them from eating their own poop. Coprophagia, as this behavior is also called, is an issue that can become a big problem, both for pets and their owners (not to mention it’s absolutely gross). Some believe that digested pineapple that finds its way to your pooch’s do-do makes it unappetizing to the little poop eater, effectively helping them to break the nasty habit. However, there is no evidence to support that eating pineapple really does stop dogs from eating their own poop. There could be various reasons for coprophagia, though, so make sure to check with your vet before you try curbing it with slices of fruit.
As it’s already been said, canned pineapple is not a good idea for dogs. While the fruit itself is not the issues, the sugary syrup in which it is preserved is not healthy for canines. However, if you wash off the sugar under running water, you may give a slice or two to your pooch- but only occasionally, and only if they don’t have health issues or a sensitive stomach.
Dehydrated pineapple rings are also a treat you should give rarely, if ever. Dried fruits have a higher content of sugar than their raw counterparts, and seeing how too much sugar can be problematic for dogs; it’s best not to risk it. After all, if you don’t have any fresh pineapple on hand, there are many other dog-friendly fruits you can give to your four-legged companion instead!
When it comes to frozen pineapple, it’s entirely safe to be offered as a treat. Peeled, cored, and cubed pineapple that’s been in the freezer for a few hours will cool off your pet during summer days, and it’s a great healthy treat alternative if you’re not up for making your own.
OK, now that you know that there’s no reason to ponder can dogs eat pineapple, the question is, how to serve it to your precious pupper? Before you offer pineapple to your dog, it has to be peeled and cored. The spiny skin and the hard center are both choking hazards and hard to digest.
Essentially, only the pineapple flesh is suitable to be served to dogs, in bite-sized pieces or a few thin slices at a time. And, I mean, sure, you can toss them a piece of pineapple and call it a treat, but where’s the fun in that?
Unleash your inner chef and dive into the exciting world of canine cuisine with our dog treat recipes that feature pineapple as the star ingredient. Not only that they’re easy to make, but our tasters ensure us that they’re tail wagging material!
Frozen Coconut Pineapple Dog
How could you ever pass on the opportunity to make a recipe that promises to “transport your pooch’s taste buds to an island paradise?” Even if you’re not tempted by the exotic description, you have to admit that an easy to make, frozen dog treat sounds good in any case. This particular recipe calls for only 3 ingredients: shredded coconut, coconut water, and pineapple cubes. Blend them all together, pour the mixture in silicone molds and- voila! Your pet gets something yummy to munch on in the summer heat, and you get bragging rights about being the most pawesome pet parent ever.
If you really want to go all out, try making doggie macaroons. These bite-sized canine
cookies are mouth-smacking good! You’ ll need all-purpose flour, crushed pineapple, shredded coconut, molasses, egg and a bit of vanilla to make these treats. Baking homemade dog treats is a bit of an effort, but this recipe yields 30 macaroons- more than enough to dole out at special occasions only, if you have one pampered pooch. And if you live in a multi-canine household, just double the recipe!
OK, pineapple is not the star of this recipe- more of a supporting role- but it’s vital nonetheless. The tropical and exotic fruits are practically the symbol of summer, so it’s no wonder they serve as an inspiration for frozen dog treats! This particular recipe will have you blending mango, strawberries, pineapple, and peaches with coconut water to create a next-level summer nom nom for your little furry royal.
A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.
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