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Britt Kascjak is a proud pet mom, sharing her heart (and her home) with her “pack” which includes her husband John, their 2 dogs – Indiana and Lucifer – and their 2 cats – Pippen and...
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Why is My Senior Dog Restless at Night?

Final ThoughtsThere are many reasons why your senior dog may be restless, pacing, and struggling to sleep through the night. The most common reason at this age is cognitive dysfunction, or “doggy dementia.” While it can be challenging to watch your best friend go through this struggle, there are steps that you can take to manage the situation and give them the best possible quality of life. This includes offering an elevated bed to take any pressure off their joints for a comfortable night’s sleep. Your senior pup will thank you for it!

Can Lick Mats Calm My Anxious Dog?

Our Go-To Solution: Hyper Pet IQ Treat MatThe concept of the dog lick mat and its ability to help reduce stress and anxiety is one that I have been familiar with for quite a while. Having been actively involved in the rescue world, I have spent much time helping dogs from less-than-ideal situations adjust to their new (and better) lives. This often means finding ways to keep them calm as they learn that the world doesn’t have to be seen as scary.More recently, we brought our youngest pup Lucifer into the family. Before adopting him, he had been through a traumatic situation that left him with some serious injuries to overcome – both physical and mental.One of the best solutions we have found to help Lucifer deal with uncomfortable situations is to provide him with a Hyper Pet IQ Treat Mat and some of his favorite dog-friendly snacks.For example, shortly after adopting him, we realized that car rides were uncomfortable for him. He would try to climb into my lap constantly for comfort or completely shut down due to his anxiety. We could distract and calm him during the ride by preparing a lick mat before heading out. Doing this regularly not only offered an immediate solution but also helped to create a positive association with the vehicle for future rides.

Study Reveals Dogs May Live Longer With a Friend at Home

How Do I Stop My Dog From Digging up My Yard?

Have you recently stepped out into your yard to find little potholes all over the place? Before you run to Google to search for products to stop your dog from digging holes (there are plenty of companies that are more than willing to take your money), let’s start with understanding the basics.Spoiler alert: When dealing with a dog behavioral problem, a quick solution is rarely something that will last over time. In this article, we will look at why your dog has been digging holes in the yard and how you can prevent it without giving into the deterrent sprays and other aversive products offering big promises. Which Dog Breeds Are Prone to Digging? Digging holes is a natural behavior for dogs, meaning that any dog could enjoy creating a few holes around your yard if left unsupervised. This is especially common in dogs that are anxious, stressed, bored, or lacking a positive outlet for their pent-up energy. That said, some dog breeds are more likely to struggle with the temptation. This includes: Terriers like the Jack Russell Terrier were bred to hunt rodents. These dogs are determined to get to their prey, even if that means having to dig down to them underground. Dachshunds, like terriers, were bred to follow their prey underground in tunnels and burrows.Another hunting dog that often seeks out prey underground is the Beagle. Northern dogs often dig in their natural habitat to make shelter and protect themselves from the elements. While dogs like the Siberian Husky and Alaskan Malamute now live in the comfort of our homes, they often still give in to their instinct to build a den. Rather than hunting dogs, some dog breeds, like the Lagotto Romagnolo, were bred to hunt truffles. This, of course, meant digging them up from the ground, instilling that desire to dig when a scent catches their attention. Another situation where you may find your dog digging is when they are anxious or afraid. For example, if your dog is left in the yard when they hear frightening sounds like fireworks or a thunderstorm, they may start digging in a desperate attempt to escape and flee to safety. This is one reason experts recommend keeping our dogs indoors during holidays like July 4th when they are more likely to face these triggers.

Do Dog Talking Buttons Really Work?

Have you ever wished your dog could speak English, allowing them to tell you what’s on their mind? If so, you’re not alone! As dog parents, we learn how to read our best friend’s body language or pick up on their ability to communicate what they want with their actions. But many pet parents are now exploring a new opportunity to improve communication and teach their dogs to “speak” by introducing dog talking buttons.But what are talking buttons, and how do dogs use them to communicate? Let’s look at this fun way to connect with your pup.Do Talking Buttons Actually Work for Dogs?Originally introduced to the world by speech-language pathologist Christina Hunger, dog talking buttons are a form of Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC). This specialized communication approach is commonly used with human children as an alternative to verbal expression. AAC can be implemented with various devices and techniques, from high-tech tablets and computerized devices to sign language and flash cards.Having plenty of experience with the techniques in her daily work, Hunger became curious about whether the same approach could be used to communicate with her dog Stella. From there, the talking button phenomenon was born.Talking buttons are recordable devices programmed to say a word or phrase each time they are pressed. Dog parents can then teach their dogs to associate the button with that word and its meaning. For example, you may program a button in your home to say “outside” and teach your dog that pressing the button means they want someone to open the door and let them out in the backyard.

New Birth Control for Cats Doesn’t Require Surgery

How Do I Protect My Pet From Wildfire Smoke?

With wildfires burning out of control across several locations in Canada and the United States, the smoke is reaching far and wide. As a result, many cities and townships have issued air quality warnings encouraging people to stay indoors, keep their windows closed, and avoid outdoor-heavy activities. But what about our pets? Are our pets also susceptible to poor air quality? Is Wildfire Smoke Harmful to Pets? The short answer is YES! Like us, our pets can experience the negative effects of poor air quality from pollution or wildfire smoke. For some, this is just an uncomfortable or unpleasant experience. It can irritate their eyes and respiratory tract even with minimal exposure. However, it can be much more severe for those with pre-existing medical conditions, potentially causing drastic side effects.

How Can You Keep Your Camping Dog Safe at Night?

As the weather warms up, outdoor lovers everywhere are planning camping trips and outdoor adventures. Of course, the best trips are spent with your best friend by your side – enjoying exciting hikes, stunning landscapes, endless playtime, and cuddles by the campfire.Safety must be a top priority to ensure that everyone enjoys a happy and enjoyable trip. This includes planning for an emergency, packing the right gear, and familiarizing yourself with the risks you may encounter during the day and after the sun goes down.So, how do we keep our dogs safe while camping at night? Here are some outdoor travel safety basics…

Desert Tortoises Are Becoming Surprisingly Popular Family Pets

Should Your Active Dog Use a Herding Ball?

If you have a dog with boundless energy, then you know the importance of finding activities that will captivate their attention and provide them with a healthy outlet. For some dogs, this can be as simple as a favorite bone to chew on or a toy they can toss around and thrash until they wear themselves out. However, for those of us with active herding breeds, that isn’t enough to meet their needs and natural desires. Herding balls are designed to tap into the instinct to “herd,” providing both mental and physical exercise. In this post, we will discuss how to use a herding ball, why they are such an enticing object for many dogs, and how they can benefit your dog’s health. Plus, I’ll share which specific herding ball has earned the title of “best of the best” in our house, as determined by our German Shepherd/Australian Cattle Dog Lucifer. So, let’s get into it…

How Do Cat Shelves Enhance Feline Enrichment?

Cats are natural-born climbers that love exploring their surroundings and discovering every nook and cranny. As a result, many cat lovers have seen their feline companions climbing on the fridge, bookshelves, and other furniture around the home. But what if you could offer a whole new vertical world specifically designed with them in mind? Cat shelves are not new – many cat lovers have used them over the years. However, they have recently seen an incredible rise in popularity. The more we learn about the enrichment needs of our furry friends, the better we can adapt our home to improve their lives. These raised perches and kitty jungle gyms are a great way to do precisely that. In this article, I will share the benefits of installing cat shelves in your home and the many types of cat shelves available. Plus, you can see how we have incorporated shelves into our new home for our two feline family members, Pippen and Jinx. Let’s get started…

Walmart Offers Pet Telehealth in Partnership With Pawp to Rival Amazon