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Angela Vuckovic

A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over...
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Horse Housing Explained - What Are the Best Options for Your Horse

How To Recognize Your Horse Is Sick

Horse Training 101

5 Things to Consider Before Getting a Horse

All About Supplements for Horses

Best Multivitamin for Puppies

Congrats on adopting a puppy – you get to enjoy all of their cuteness, but not without the responsibility to help them grow into happy, healthy adult dogs. One of the main things you should pay attention to as the proud owner of a young puppy is their diet and nutritional needs. While most dry foods for puppies are formulated to meet the needs of growing dogs, sometimes they need an additional boost to support their overall health in these delicate times.This is where supplements come in handy – more precisely, multivitamins for puppies. A multivitamin for puppies should be given on a daily basis, and contain a variety of essential nutrients for a puppy's growth and well-being, from vitamins and minerals to essential fatty acids and other key components. However, finding the right multivitamin for puppies in the sea of formulas and brands can feel like a daunting task – how are you supposed to know which of them will suit your pet the best? To help you make that choice, we’ve handpicked the best multivitamins for puppies on the market, from those in powder form to liquids and chewables – you can’t go wrong with any from our list.

Holiday Trick or Treats For Your Cat

Spooky season is right around the corner and that can only mean one thing – it’s your kitty’s time to shine. Unlike dogs, who are the certified goofballs and goodie two shoes of the pet world, cats have that mysterious and mischievous allure that makes them bonafide Halloween royalty. Heck, black kitties are one of the most common symbols of this season!

Adoptable Dog of the Week - Mama Cass

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Cutest Rabbit Breeds

Colic in Horses: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Treat It

A Complete Guide on Horse Grooming