How a Simple Hobby Turned Into a Knotty Pet Toy Business

Chuck Hoover was obsessed by traditional knotting techniques, like those used by sailors. And it turned out that someone else had a big interest in his new hobby too… his dog Hampton!

Hampton loved the knotted ropes that Chuck made! He couldn’t get enough of playing with them. So Chuck decided to see if other dogs would like them too. It turns out they do, in fact, Chuck’s knots seem to be pretty irresistible!

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This prompted him to set up in business. His basement became his office and he now spends his spare time making knots of all sizes so the biggest and the tiniest of dogs can have a Hampton Heritage Company knot toy of their own.

Chuck sells his knots at festivals and events all over North Carolina. If you’re at an event in the area, look out for him! He’s proud of the North Carolina maritime heritage and it’s great that some of this tradition has now found another purpose!

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The knots are made from 100% cotton natural rope so they’re perfectly safe for your dog to chew on. Check out his Facebook page or get the catch of the day on the Hampton Heritage Company website.

Emily Hutchinson
Emily Hutchinson

More by Emily Hutchinson
