How to Keep Your Pet Safe This Thanksgiving

Are you going to be hosting Thanksgiving dinner at your home this year? Then it’s time to think about the ways that your pets could be affected. That’s right: a day that’s all about family and food for you could be stressful or even harmful to your cats and dogs if you aren’t careful. The information below discusses some of the ways to keep your pets safe this Thanksgiving.

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Study Found Pomegranate Water Additive Can Keep Dogs’ Teeth Clean
Adding a pomegranate water additive to your pup’s water bowl can help keep plaque and calculus at bay, according to new research.
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What is Littermate Syndrome?
Littermate syndrome typically manifests as a range of behavioral problems, so we’ll go over these together in order to better understand this common issue amongst canine siblings.
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Can You Potty Train a Rabbit?
Most people fear bunnies will poop all over their home and that they’re unable to learn how to use a litter box – but that doesn’t have to be the case with your pet. Here’s what you need to know about a bunny’s toilet habits before adopting one.
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Scientists Reveal Which Dogs Are Best at Giving Puppy Eyes
The results of their study indicate that the level of emotion and expressivity in a dog’s stare isn’t related to their breed at all, but rather to the dog’s unique facial markings.
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DNA Profiling Keeps the Streets of This French Tourist Town Poop-Free
The mayor of Béziers, a small town in southern France is mad as hell and he isn’t going to take it anymore. Take what, you’re asking? The messy, smelly dog p…
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Intestinal Worms in Dogs: Types and Symptoms

Although an unpleasant topic to think about, the harsh reality is that worms are a common problem in dogs – one that you need to know how to tackle and prevent. So, we’ve put together a short guide on some of the canine intestinal worms you should know about, the symptoms they can cause, and the treatments that can get rid of them. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to more easily recognize the signs of a worm infestation in your dog, and you’ll know how important it is to prevent worms from infecting your companion.

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How Can I Reduce My Dog's Seasonal Shedding?
Depending on your pet’s breed, the seasonal shedding can be moderate, or heavy. In the latter case, you might find yourself with a ton of pet hair all over the place and wondering if there’s a way to reduce your dog’s seasonal shedding for good.
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What to Do If Your Dog Eats Halloween Candy?
If your dog eats Halloween candy, it's important to take immediate action to ensure their safety, as many of these candies can be toxic to dogs. Here's what you need to.
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White House Pooch, Commander, Bites Back!
Foreign relations, the struggling economy, natural disasters… and Commander. Yes, these are most likely the stressors that keep President Joe Biden up at nig…
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When Nature Surprises: Crocodiles Push a Drowning Dog Out to Safety
Exactly why the crocodiles chose to spare the dog and push it to safety remains a true mystery of nature. The mugger crocs, which can weigh up to 1,000 pounds, are usually quite aggressive and voracious. But in this case, they were perfectly docile, much to everyone’s surprise.
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Owners Tell Why They Spend Hundreds of Dollars on Dogs’ B-Day Partie
Three dog owners tell why they’ve decided to throw b-day parties for their pooches and what they would go through to celebrate the furry member of their family.
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Do Dogs Get Stressed on Halloween?

Halloween is fun for kids and adults, but can the same be said for your pets? If you have a dog, you might wonder if this spooky holiday can be stressful for him. Below is some information that can help you determine if your pet is anxious on Halloween, along with tips on how to help him relax as much as possible.

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Can Cats and Dogs Eat Nutritional Yeast?

Nutritional yeast is popular, especially amongst vegans, for its yummy, cheesy flavor and multitude of nutrients, from protein and potassium to B vitamins and fiber. But is it one of the human foods that cats and dogs can eat? Check out the information below to learn more about nutritional yeast and if it’s safe for your furry friend.

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US-based Veterinarian Returns to Greece to Help Stray Cats
Dr. Anna Kotogiritis returned to Greece to establish a non-profit rescue organization to help the stray cats living on Karpathos Island.
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Should Cats Wear Collars? The Pros and Cons

Walk through your local pet store, and you will likely see a small assortment of cat collars, including many different colours, styles, materials, and sizes. But do cats really need to wear a collar? Should cats wear collars, or are they more of a fashion statement?

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