Recycled Boxes Turned Into Shelters For Homeless Pets
It seems a Turkish organization that sells pet foods over the internet has found a way to turn virtual into reality with a custom designed delivery box. Patrons of e-trade pioneer’s site order up their pet’s foods and receive their delivery in a sturdy corrugated plastic box. But not just any corrugated plastic box; this one has been specially designed to transform into a water-proof, portable pet home that can protect animals living on the streets from the harsh conditions of winter.
Related: Daffy’s Pet Soup Kitchen Helps Pets In Need
Istanbul-based devoted a year of their Research and Development budget into coming up with a simple design that will literally provide homeless dogs and cats with shelter from the storm.
According to Marketing Assistant General Manager Bilgen Aldan Albayrak, “We started the Pet Box project with the idea that shoppers could recycle the delivery boxes sent to them for a good cause. At, this was the kernel for the idea and over the next year, we worked on the design of these boxes.”
Related: Fresh Start Helps The Homeless… With All-Natural Beef Pet Food?
Albayrak confirms the organization’s goal was to not only provide shelter for street animals but also find a creative way to recycle thousands of boxes that would otherwise wind up in landfill. And with more than 5 million members, is hoping to see the project expand over time. “Contributing to the project for now will be possible while shopping for pet food on the campaign page. In the period ahead, we plan to expand this project and work to differentiate it.” The company’s goal is to turn it into a community effort.
You’ve heard the expression that it takes a village to raise a child. Just imagine what could be accomplished if just a small percentage of’s 5 million users were each able to protect just one cold and frightened animal this winter. isn’t clear on the specifics of how the Pet Box project is going to run: we’re not sure if the boxes are already being delivered or if residents need permission to set the boxes out in their neighborhood. However, we do like the idea of turning trash into treasure for animals in need. We’re hoping that someone on our side of the pond will come up with a similar solution to shelter homeless dogs and cats during our cold winters.
Sharing space with three seriously judgy Schnoodles and a feline who prefers to be left alone. #LivingMyBestLife
More by Mary Simpson