Will Michigan Pet Owners Face Jail for Leaving Pets in Hot Car?
As the summer comes near, animal welfare experts and organizations are warning pet parents not to leave their pets locked in a car on a hot day (or a cold one, for that matter). And despite that, many people disregard the appeals, as if they’re not fully aware of the dangers they put their four-legged companion in. To make sure that their residents will take the matter seriously, Michigan officials proposed a bill that would ensure that punishment ensues for those who put their pet’s wellbeing at risk.
Unfortunately, it’s not only Michigan that’s seen an increasing number of pet deaths and accidents due to furballs being left inside a car on a hot day. Even when the weather is pleasantly warm outside, in a vehicle, temperatures spike really fast- it can get as high as 150 degrees inside, and it gets that scorching hot in minutes. And, despite the popular belief, cracking open a window will not make the situation any better for your pooch. With the windows opened slightly to let air in, the inside of car measures about 105 degrees on a regular summer day. And that means that your pet is slowly baking while you do your shopping inside a nice, air-conditioned store.
Leaving your pet in a hot car might not always end up in the dog’s death, but there is irreparable damage being done to their health. In addition to having lasting health damages because of this, pets are also in distress and suffer when trapped in hot cars- even though you might not be aware of it.
Hopefully, this bill will pass and reduce the number of devastating incidents that happen each summer. This would also make Michigan the 28th state that has laws concerning the issue, which would mean that more states would follow suit. And while the punishment might sound harsh to some… it’s actually not harsh enough, considering what those poor furry souls had to go through.
A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.
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