Heroic Dog Jumps In Pool To Save Best Fur-Friend From Drowning

Lori Ennis
by Lori Ennis
It’s been said, “We get by with a little help of our friends,” and that’s never been more accurate for a dog who nearly drowned, but was saved by his furry best friend.

A video of a dog leaping into the family pool to save another dog has gone viral, and shows the world that the saying really should be it’s a ‘dogs-save-dogs’ world. Laurie Sorsen Becerra is from Sow Low, Arizona, and posted a video showing that their dog Smokey had a brush with near-death. The loving and brave acts from another family dog saved him, though, with no one even knowing what had happened until the surveillance video was pulled.

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Becerra said her husband Jay was surprised to find their dog Smokey dripping wet. As Smokey couldn’t tell why, Jay pulled the surveillance video they have of their pool area and they couldn’t believe what they saw!

So Remus and Smokey got a little rambunctious. Smokey can swim just not well ( as video shows ) watch video all the way to end.Jay recorded this off our security camera when he saw Smokey all wet ! Remus May be a crazy pup but he’s got a heart of gold !! My hero. Please no back lash jay was in house for few minutes and they must have come thru fence. They play around pool all the time with no incidence.(For licensing or usage, contact licensing@viralhog.com)

Posted by on Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Smokey had fallen into their pool and was struggling, but another family dog, Remus recognized what was happening and jumped in to save his buddy. Remus belongs to Becerra’s daughter and didn’t even give a second thought to protecting his fellow fur friend.

In the video, we can see Smokey paddling near the edge of the pool while Remus stands right in front of him, very clearly concerned about his friend and scoping the scene out for how to help. The video shows how Remus goes back and forth to try and guide Smokey and Smokey tries hard to go toward him.

But it’s too hard for poor Smokey, so Remus makes the executive decision to jump right in, swim up to Smokey and push him out of the water. This move is what lets Smokey get his front paws to the lip of the pool, and eventually drag himself out of the water.

With a shake, Smokey gets far from the edge and Remus hops out of the pool to check on his rescuee.

Related: 10 Dog Breeds That Can’t Swim

Becerra said that Smokey is a swimmer, just not a great one, and that though Remus might be a little crazy, he obviously has the best heart ever. The dogs had only been out a short time because her husband had just stepped into the house, and Smokey must have broken through the fence that was meant to protect him from the pool.

She said that they are often playing together by the pool with no issue, but as a result of all of this, she’s ordered a life jacket for Smokey to wear when he’s out there.

Until then, seems like Lifeguard Remus is on the job!

Good boy, Remus! Good boy!

Lori Ennis
Lori Ennis

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