Dusky Parrot

Stable populations, low-maintenance needs, and a wonderful temperament are the major reasons behind the rising popularity of Dusky Parrot pets.

Eastern Rosella

Incredibly adorable, playful and quite unique, the Eastern Rosella is becoming a rapidly popular choice for a feathered companion.

Blue Streaked Lory

The stunning Blue Streaked Lory is not a common pet- but while they're a bit high maintenance, it's more than worth it for a companion bird such as this.

Large Indian Parakeet

With its interesting and unique personality traits, the Large Indian Parakeet has won over the hearts of many owners around the world.

Red Winged Parrot

The Red Winged Parrot is popualr for its attractive appearance and charming personality. Find out more about this prized Australian parrot breed!

Hawk-Headed Parrot

The Hawk-Headed Parrot has a complex personality. Sometimes cuddly, and sometimes grumpy, you'll get to experience both - like it or not.

Golden Collared Macaw

The Golden collared macaw belongs to the group of the so-called "mini macaws," and they are truly one of the funkiest and cutest parrots in this family.

Yellow Crowned Amazon

With their wonderful personalities, long lifespan, and overall good health, Yellow Crowned Amazon parrots are sought-after pets all over the world.

Red Factor Canary

The stunning Red Factor Canary is best known for its vivid scarlet red feathers, but there is much more to this pet bird than just its fabulous looks.

Olive Headed Lorikeet

Without a doubt, Olive Headed Lorikeet lives up to its nickname - they are the Perfect Lory on many levels. Find out why!

Bare Eyed Cockatoo

The Bare Eyed Cockatoo parrots, also known as little corellas, are one of the smaller and unique breeds in the cockatoo family

Cape Parrot

The Cape parrot, or Levaillant's parrot as it is sometimes called, is an exotic and rare parrot breed which captivates with its looks and personality.

Sulphur Crested Cockatoo

There's no doubt that Sulphur Crested Cockatoo is immensely popular as a pet parrot and one of the goofiest of the many cockatoo breeds.

Timneh African Grey Parrot

Find out what are the traits that make the Timneh African Grey Parrot one of the best, most loved pet parrots in the world today!

Turquoise Rumped Parrotlet

A little bird that offers a lot, the Turquoise Rumped Parrotlet might weigh just an ounce, but it has a TON of loveable traits.

Red Bellied Parrot

Like all the members of the African parrot family, the Red bellied parrot is no exception- this is an intelligent bird that makes a wonderful family pet.

Bourke’s Parakeet

Bourke's Parakeet has gentle, cute looks that reflect their equally temperate behavior- which is perfect if you want a minimum hassle, affectionate pet.

Red Lored Amazon

Often called the Amazon's prettiest bird, the Red Lored Amazon is also considered to be one of the most popular and interesting pet parrots of the region.

Green Cheeked Conure

Sharing many similarities with some of the more common and popular conures, Green Cheeked Conure is equally silly but much more tempered and calmer.

Dusky Billed Parrotlet

In general, Dusky Billed Parrotlet should be a clear choice for anyone who wants a low-maintenance, silly little pet- and a great feathery friend.

Peach Faced Lovebird

Peach faced lovebird is perhaps the most popular pet choice amongst the Lovebird family, and with a good reason- it's cute, social, and easy to care for!

Blue Winged Parrotlet

Blue Winged Parrotlet has a loving and friendly personality has traits to suit every owner. To boot, these birds are quite easy to care for!

Iris Lorikeet

Iris lorikeet has all the traits that make a great pet parrot - but it can be hard to find one for sale. Find out what's special about these popular birds!

Umbrella Cockatoo

The Umbrella Cockatoo has been cherished for centuries. They are loving and affectionate birds, with many unique features.

Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo

The calm and docile behavior of the Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo is very different from the energetic behavior that we're used to from other cockatoos.

Pearly Conure

Owing to their goofy nature, love for various tricks, and friendliness, Pearly Conure is a treasured pet around the world.

Patagonian Conure

With a great passion for tricks and toys, the Patagonian Conure has a naturally entertaining personality. Read on to learn more about these parrots!

Orange Winged Amazon

One of the most common Amazon breeds, the friendly and intelligent Orange Winged Amazon has been a popular pet for well over a century.

Dusky Lory

The Dusky Lory, or Duskies, as they are affectionately called, are a pet parrot you don't see so often - but when you do, you'll never forget it!

Meyer’s Parrot

If you're looking for a loving little feathered companion that is easy to care for, then look no further than Meyer's Parrot.

Senegal Parrot

A very popular pet in aviculture, the Senegal parrot is a mischievous little trickster who can also be an affectionate bird when he wants to.

Brown Throated Conure

One of the rarer conures in the pet parrot world, Brown Throated Conure is incredibly charming and makes a wonderful pet.

Yellow Faced Parrotlet

With a great variety of affectionate, kind traits and equally quirky and goofy behavior, the Yellow Faced parrotlet can be a really great pet.

Sunset Lorikeet

The Sunset Lorikeet is the real clown of the parrot world, just like most of their Lory relatives. Find out all about these adorable pet birds!