Adorable PacPup Video Wins the Internet

Lori Ennis
by Lori Ennis
Wakka Wakka Wakka! The makers of those awesome Tiny Hamster videos are back at it with the cutest dog you’ve ever seen… and we’re eating it up!

What do you get when you combine the cutest, World-Record holding Jack Russell in the world with the amazing and creative brains at HelloDenzien?

Viral hilarity and superstardom!

Not that Twinkie, the adorable pup sensation out of California, is new to celebrityhood, of course. You may know her as the Guinness (World!) record holder for the fastest time for a dog to burst 100 balloons. She’s a legacy, apparently, as Twinkie’s mother Anastasia previously held that record for seven years. Clearly, lightning quick balloon popping is in her blood!

Related: Six cool tricks to teach your dog

So, the genius minds at HelloDenzien (think ‘Tiny Hamster’ adventures!) figured there obviously was a reason Twinkie was so good at popping balloons. They set out to chronicle it, making generations of people young and old squeal with delight as that familiar jingle was resurrected and PacDog was born!

Featured on their Youtube Channel, under the series Animal Arcade, Episode 1 shows Twinkie running through an elaborate PacMan throwback stage, chasing each pellet (balloon) with the adorableness (and ferocity, of course) of the most determined competitor. You’ll see Twinkie was not deterred by the ‘ghosts’ and literally stole our hearts as she stole each pellet!

The best news? This is only Episode 1!!! With suggestions for games like Frogger, Donkey Kong and Asteroids (whaaaa???) for future fun, we can’t wait to see what comes next!

Lori Ennis
Lori Ennis

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