Anderson Cooper Celebrates President Bush’s Service Dog Sully

Lori Ennis
by Lori Ennis
Former President George H.W. Bush’s service dog Sully touched the hearts of all who saw him so faithfully guard the late president’s casket during funeral ceremonies. Now, Sully is going to a new mission, continuing to support America’s finest, and he’s been recognized as an American Hero by CNN.

There has been nary a dry eye recently in America as former President George H.W. Bush has been laid to rest. Particularly gutting? President Bush’s loyal service dog Sully staying ever faithful by the casket just about every time he could.

Related: President Bush’s New Family Member Is Service Dog Named Sully

The viral image has brought many to tears, knowing the love of a dog is so fierce. Sully has been with President Bush since earlier this year in June, and was with him to the very end.

The two-and-a-half-year-old lab certainly has the love of the President’s family, however, they recognize that being as young as he is, there is much he can continue to offer to humans he loves so well. He’ll be going to the Walter Reed Military Hospital in Washington, D.C., working with veterans and wounded warriors who will be so thankful for his companionship and care.

Related: President George H.W. Bush’s Service Dog Sully Completes His Mission

Sully was also honored by CNN’s Anderson Cooper in a touching tribute to his loyalty and service.

Cooper was clearly smitten with the beautiful and well-trained lab, and Cooper gave Sully’s trainer, Valerie Cramer, thanks for all she does through her work with America’s VetDogs in New York.

Sully will be taking a brief ‘vacation’ before he heads to Washington.

Lori Ennis
Lori Ennis

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