More Than Half of Pet Owners in America Are Not Prepared for a Pet Eme

Angela Vuckovic
by Angela Vuckovic
A little over 60 percent of pet owners in the United States wouldn’t be able to cover the costs of a $1,000 emergency pet surgery without going into debt, a new study shows.

The cost of having a pet is not something to be overlooked. And I’m not talking about the usual expenses, such as food or routine vet checkups and vaccinations. Most people tend not to think about the worst case scenarios, but, in case your cat or dog get seriously sick or get into an accident, vet bills can rake up pretty fast, and it’s not an insignificant sum. Depending on the city you live in, emergency pet care bills can be between $800 and $1,500- and this is just an average estimate based on Petplan’s surveys.

But, according to a Bankrate survey, only 39% of Americans have a $1,000 in their savings. Meaning, if need be, to be able to help their four-legged friend get better, most people would have to go into debt.

It’s not always easy to put some money on the side for rainy days, especially if the budget is already tight. But, having an emergency medical fund for your pet is an absolute must- there’s nothing worse than not being able to pay for a procedure that could help save your furbaby’s life. If you don’t feel like setting up a budget for your pet is a doable option for you, you can always choose a pet insurance plan and hope they’ll cover the costs of vet care if your pet happens to need it.

Either way, having a plan in place for a sticky situation shouldn’t be optional. I learned that the hard way. A few years back, my cat had a bladder stone lodged in his urinary tract. What we thought was a UTI ended up in perineal urethrostomy surger y; which is both expensive and difficult to recover from. Thankfully, my furry boy is now good as new, but the astronomical cost of the operation wasn’t something that I could comfortably cover without going into debt. Why? Because I hadn’t budgeted for the worst case scenario.

Many banks now offer special savings accounts dedicated solely to pet care, and there are tons of resources on the internet that offer advice and instructions on how to budget for pet emergencies. If you don’t already, make sure to start putting away funds for unexpected pet parenting moments: your furry bestie will be thankful to you for getting them through a hairy situation!

Angela Vuckovic
Angela Vuckovic

A proud mama to seven dogs and ten cats, Angela spends her days writing for her fellow pet parents and pampering her furballs, all of whom are rescues. When she's not gushing over her adorable cats or playing with her dogs, she can be found curled up with a good fantasy book.

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