Man Punches Bear In The Face To Save His Beagle

Lori Ennis
by Lori Ennis
A man took matters into his own hands and punched a bear in the face so he could protect his dog from an assault by the black bear.

They say hell hath no fury like a man protecting his dog from a bear…or something like that. At least that was the case for a man from Boyne Falls, Michigan when a black bear attempted to attack his sweet beagle.

According to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the man let his dog out on a cable in his front yard. When he came back to let the dog back inside, he saw a large black bear running up the driveway toward him.

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The beagle barked at the bear, but the bear just circled around the dog and swatted at it, as if the dog was a toy. His dad tried to just pull him in with the cable, but according to DNR, the lead got tangled. While he desperately tried to untangle the lead, the bear got close and the man kicked him to keep him away.

To a large black bear, a kick means little, and he still went after the dog, biting him to the point that he required stitches when all was said and done.

But that first bite was all the motive the man needed to take a punch at the bear, right in the nose. The bear was caught off guard, and retreated just enough for the man to get the two of them back to safety inside their house.

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Immediately inside, the man called DNR to report it, and they recommended he make his home less inviting to bears by removing all the bird feeders, any leftover sunflower seed husks and deer corn he fed to deer and turkeys in the back yard. Additionally, they recommended he spread moth balls around the perimeter of his yard.

Our guess is he’s probably going to be watching his little pup like a hawk. What a brave and protective pet parent!

Lori Ennis
Lori Ennis

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