
Lisa Selvaggio
by Lisa Selvaggio
fast facts

About Foldex

Medium body, short neck
12-15 years
Best Suited For
Any cat loving family with kids and other pets, as well as singles
Friendly, social, easygoing, intelligent, active, cheerful
6-14 lb
Comparable Breeds
Scottish Fold, Exotic Shorthair
8-12 inches
Foldex Breed History

In the early ’90s, the Foldex cat breed was developed in Quebec, Canada. By crossing an Exotic Shorthair and a Scottish Fold, breeders were able to create a new cat breed that is so adorable it can often be compared to a teddy bear.

It wasn’t until 2010, after a lot of hard work on the part of breeders, that the Foldex was acknowledged with full Championship breed status. However, this breed is only recognized by the Canadian Cat Association, so it is bred mainly in Canada, though some of these cats can also be found in Europe and in the United States.

The Foldex breed is known for being cheerful, curious, intelligent, and active.

Breed Traits

e Foldex breed is known for being cheerful, curious, intelligent, and active. It is also an affectionate breed, willing to approach strangers with confidence and ease.

These cats love being petted, and they have really charming personalities that are hard to ignore.

Overall Description

The nose on a Foldex is somewhere between that of the Exotic Shorthair and the Scottish Fold. It isn’t as short as the nose of an Exotic Shorthair, but it is shorter than that of the Scottish Fold.

This cat also features wide open, rounded eyes, along with a very round head that appears round from every viewing angle. The body is medium in size with strong muscles, and the bone structure is strong, but the neck is distinctively short. The legs are short as well.

The ears, however, are truly distinctive, just like those of the Scottish Fold. You will notice that the ears of the Foldex are small with rounded tips, and they have a single crease that causes them to fold forward and downward onto the head. This is unlike the Scottish Fold breed, which features a triple or double crease that could result in the ears lying flat against a cat’s head.

Foldex kittens can be born with long hair or short hair. Both of these will be very soft and plush, but the longhaired kitties will have fur that is somewhat glossy and quite dense.

When a litter of Foldex kittens is born, only about half of them will have the gene for the folded ears; the rest will grow up to have straight ears like so many other cat breeds, so they’ll be referred to as Straights. Kittens that have the folded ear gene, however, will start to show the fold by the time they’re 21 to 28 days old.

The Foldex breed comes in every color, pattern, and combination possible, including pointed, calico, tabby, solid, and more.

Grooming Requirements

In addition to the usual claw trimming and teeth cleaning grooming routine that every cat should receive, the Foldex breed’s grooming needs will depend upon the coat length. Like other breeds, if you have a longhaired kitty, you should groom him more often to prevent tangles, matting, and hairballs. Shorthaired cats, on the other hand, should do fine with a weekly brushing to remove excess fur.

Photo credit: AliciaPSF/Wikimedia; serkucher/Bigstock; enigma_art/Bigstock
Lisa Selvaggio
Lisa Selvaggio

Lisa Selvaggio is a freelance writer and editor, and our resident cats-pert, with certifications in pet nutrition and pet first aid. She enjoys producing content that helps people understand animals better so they can give their pets a safe and happy home.

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