Grammy-Winning Violinist Shows Cool Cats Love Classical Music [Video]

Lori Ennis
by Lori Ennis
A Grammy-winning violinist’s endearing consideration of strays along an animated street has music fans all over the world seeing the street kitties in a whole new light.

Augustin Hadelich is a cat lover at heart. Many know him as the world famous and Grammy-winning violinist who delights music fans around the globe with his talent.

Related: Portland’s Parking Kitty App Brings All the Coolest Cats to the Lot [Video]

He’s now paired with animator Tam King to create a brief animated video that shows an animated version of himself giving impromptu concerts as he walks along the streets. His audience? Some fairly musically talented kitty cats, who find Hadelich’s performance of Nicolo Paganini’s Caprice No. 7 so delightful, they begin to take on some unique (and quite human) behaviors!

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He titled the short Fantasia dei Gatti, and in it, he feeds the alley cats’ souls with the beautiful sounds from his violin. The cats are clearly mesmerized, and as they are, become more human-like while Hadelich channels his inner cat. In a spell-like manner, the performance continues until the last note, where Hadelich and cats come out of their dream-like states, better for the meeting. While it may not be a tale as old as time, it’s an adorable short with beautiful music and dancing kittehs. A winning combination!

Lori Ennis
Lori Ennis

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