2018 Global Pet Expo Day 3: That’s A Wrap!
By the end of the week at The Global Pet Expo, my mind’s thoughts swirl around all the awesome products I’ve seen and the people I’ve met! I’m energized by the passion so many of these companies have for making our pets’ (and our) lives better and I’m so psyched by some of the coolest new products.
Take for instance new technology out of China that is just so neat! One of my favorite finds was this treat robot from iPetRobot. He’s super cool and currently in production for an anticipated release in the next year. He does all sorts of neat things, but what I love is that the treat compartment is divided and individually gives treats out–making it more engaging for your pup!
I also could not get over the Dog TV! If your dog is like mine, she may watch television, but because dogs have far fewer cones and way more rod cells than humans do, they don’t get the same from the screen. Until now…with the dog tv from GoPad. It’s specially created to allow better perception and visualization for your dog, and just like it engages us, it engages and stimulates their brains as well.
Related: Global Pet Expo: Canine Colors Helps You Discover Your Dog’ Personality
While we’re talking about treat dispensers, we came across this company who has an automatic pet food dispenser from HomeRun Pet. That in itself is super cool, but we loved the concept of an engaging toy that looks like a treat dispenser but is actually an electronic toy that you operate with an app and pops out a fluffy toy to get your cat’s attention and engagement. It’s easy enough for your kiddos to operate and have tons of fun and interaction with your pets.
And when it came to cool ways to make sure your pet has fresh water, we loved the Fresco from Petoneer. It can be remotely controlled with an app, and it takes out all the icky stuff that you wouldn’t want in your water–so you wouldn’t want it in your pet’s either! The multi-stage filtration system makes sure that even when you’re not home, your pet has access to the freshest water available and the app is cloud-enabled so you can monitor and control your pet’s water any time and from anywhere you are!
Technology took a different twist with the Kitty Twister I found–made by the folks who made Prince Lionheart’s Twist’r Diaper Disposal pail to stop odor from diapers, this cat litter disposal system is pretty cool. Thoughtfully designed with a scooper that won’t drop litter and really works in sealing up the poop. Plus it looks so stinking cool. (See what we did there?)
Actually, Global was all about the poop–at least the folks at Halo were! A holistic pet care brand, they are committed to making sure your pet’s poop is what it is supposed to be. Yes, there is a way pet poop is supposed to be, and their holistic products help get you there!
Of course, I saw big dogs…
And little dogs…
And even some chickens!
But as always, the passion of the people dedicated to taking care of pets and people is what gets me every time. That’s why I fell in love with Lindy’s Bakery–they are a non-profit division of Daybreak, which is an organization that helps shelter and transition homeless youth into the adult world with support and skills.
Daybreak has been working with homeless youth since 1975, Lindy’s Bakery helps give homeless youth skills and job opportunities to function successfully as young adults. I love that 100% of the proceeds from Lindy’s Bakery go to homeless youth, and I love that their product is a delicious treat that’s made of wholesome, limited ingredients. This passion for pets and people is what makes this industry what it is, and it makes us proud to be part of it.
And so, I high-fived my buddy and high-tailed it home…
Jazzed by the ever-growing pet product industry and psyched for the awesome things that people have and are planning for our furry family members. And though I didn’t bring a dog home from this one…I’m not sure that I won’t be heading back to Florida very soon to add on to the family. Doesn’t this guy look like he was made for us?
‘Til next year, Global!
More by Lori Ennis